Why don’t you do the things you should?

Are you like me? Do you look around the house and yard and see all the things you should do, but then just sigh and think *later*? And then one moment you just have to stop everything to take care of that?

Why does later normally seem better? Well, sometimes now is inconvenient. Maybe you are already busy with something else. And when you do *that* later are you avoiding doing something else? That thing you put off for later is now the lesser of two tasks you don’t want to do, but you feel you should do something. Am I right?

Well, life is like that isn’t it? Most of us spend a good part of our lives trying to figure out what to do. We don’t feel we are living life to the fullest. We don’t feel fulfilled. Something seems to be missing. But what?

For some the answer may be clear. Maybe it is a person with whom you share your life. Maybe it is a career that is rewarding to you. Maybe it is having children. Maybe it is a giant structure made entirely out of your favorite chocolate, a lake of your favorite alcohol, or a pot of gold.

For some the answer is not so clear. Maybe your life is empty, and you don’t know why. You just have that empty feeling.

Life is not about figuring out what to do. You already know in your heart what you *should* be doing to fill that gap in your life.

The challenge is doing it. 

So, why do we not do *it* ? Because, not doing it is serving a purpose. You are meeting one of your survival needs by not doing it. Right now, you don’t really want to do it. And you don’t need to do it.

When you really want or need anything, you find a way. You find out how. You find the time. You find the energy. You are naturally motivated.  When not doing it is no longer working for you, you will do it.

Sooner rather than later.

So, what is keeping you from doing it now? If you really feel in a rut, you need to understand why you are stuck in a rut. How do you do that? By asking the questions to reveal your motivators, inner drive. What motivates you and why? What purpose is this rut filling in your life?

Frankly, if you you are alone, that is filling a need. If your work sucks, it is filling a need. If your life feels empty, that is filling a need. When your situation is no longer filling that need, then you will act to transform your life to a higher level.

So, what will it be? Will you wait until your current situation plays out and your current situation stops working for you? Or will you start asking the questions about why your life is the way it is and what can turn it around?

Look, you are not a bad person if you just sit there and do nothing. You don’t *have to* do anything. But if you want to do something, then start. Give yourself permission to meet your needs on a higher level.


