Detox Your Life

Everything must constantly be destroyed in order to be reborn. We must constantly let go of everything we hold on to, in order to flow with the motion of life. 

What’s poisoning you?






Spring is here! This is a time of renewal. A time of rebirth. Many of us have take a a winter rest. We don’t do so much in our lives during the winter.  But now it is Spring. We clean our houses. We brush off our yard tools. We gear up for outdoor cooking.

How about ourselves?

Spring is a great time to clean up our lives. Most of us have some thing that is unhealthy in our lives.

What’s your poison? 

Something is poisoning you. There is something(s) that is quietly compromising your well-being. Is it relationship issues, thoughts, behaviors?


The answer is to two parts:

First, be honest with you. You need to learn to recognize the hidden dangers in your life. What is bringing you down?

Second, remove the poison by replacing it with  an empowering alternative. You need the alternative or else there will be a missing piece in your life, and you will revert back to your poison.

Is your reality your ultimate reality?

We all do it. We let small things grow. We ignore the small signs that things are not the way they are supposed to be. We sometimes expect that it won’t get worse. Or better yet, the issue will just go away on it’s own. But often we are ignoring something that is bringing us down, little by little. And before you know it, you may be at “rock bottom”. How did that happen?

Hopefully, you have not let your poison get you that far down. But remember that it is only by moving fully into the darkness that we can appreciate the light.

One of my biggest lessons.

When I was 16, my aunt and uncle taught me this lesson. Nearly 40 years (I am not quite that old) later it stills hold meaning and value in my life. Here it is:

If you have a light on in your house all the time, you notice it more at night, when it is dark than when it is light. It is always on, but when the house has the sun light you don’t notice it much if at all.

Understand why you are being poisoned.

Why are you doing that? Even if depression is your poison, you are doing depression you are not being depressed. What are you getting from it? What is the benefit? Yes, there is a benefit.

Now, let it go.

I know. It is hard. You and the poison have had a relationship for at least a little while now. But I keep telling you. It is a habit you made. You can make a new one. I promise. Let go! You control the poison. It does not control you.

This will be both liberating and terrifying at the same time. Don’t worry. You can fill that need with something positive.

Unconditional love.

I mentioned this before, but it want to remind you now. How you feel about you has a lot to do with this. Your poison could very well be what you treat or think about you. If you judge yourself harshly, you feel judged by others. If you hate yourself, you feel hated. If you don’t trust you, you don’t trust others.

Give yourself love. Love yourself as you are. You, just like everyone else, are doing your best with the tools and understanding you have.

Make the best use of what is in your power, and take the rest as it happens.

Happy Spring! Remember: 



Lisa Y. Life Coach