

Sometimes we get so involved in a situation we can’t think clearly. If something is particularly stressful, baffling, frustrating, the way to handle it is to step back from it.

Maybe you have to “count to ten”. Maybe you have to take a breath or ten. Maybe you need to take a walk. What ever it is you do to calm down do that. By withdrawing from intense emotional energy, you gain calm energy. And it is calm energy that gives you clear thinking. Things are never as bad once you calm down as they are when you are in the midst of mental breakdown, right? Getting calm brings solution.

Once you detach, the issue has no control over you. You are now in control. When you stand back, you become objective. 

Tip: is to think of it happening to someone else. I do this all the time. When I have a problem or issue and I feel bad, confused, baffled, frustrated, I ask me what would I tell someone else to do? Frankly, it is easier to solve someone else’s problems then your own. Why? Because we have a different perspective. We are not in the midst of the issue. We are on the outside looking in to someone else’s life. You do that all the time. So, do it for you. Look at your life objectively.

What do you want?

In this situation, what do you want? What outcome do you want? How do you want it to end? How do you want it to be resolved? Detach and dream of the ideal outcome. Now, what does it take to have that?

Step by step what do you need to do? The answer is in you. Remember, what would you tell someone else in the same situation, facing the same questions? And if you need help, ask someone. Let someone who is detached help. They can point you in the right direction.

Breathe. It is OK.
