lift the dark cloud


How are you?

How was your Thanksgiving? I hope your meal was better than mine. I opted for a beef roast and I over cooked it. I should have gone with my first choice, pizza. Pizza? Yep! In a nutshell, my mom died on Thanksgiving 2009. My aunt was with me and said “Let’s order pizza.” We did find a pizza place open  on Thanksgiving. So, I like tradition and thought pizza on Thanksgiving would be a nice memorial to mom.

 dark cloud

So, do you have a dark cloud? Is there some thing that just hangs over your life and bring you down? Is there something that just fills your every thought? I think all of us, to some degree or another,  have that at some time or another had that dark cloud. We have all had that one thing that just fills your life with despair. If it is bad enough, it may seem as if there is no hope. It may at times seem as if you are to fill every moment of your life doomed.

a worthwhile project

A worthwhile project of any sort can lift that dark cloud. Find a passion. When you find a passion, it will lift that dark cloud no matter how bad it it. It may be hard to believe, but getting into a worthwhile project will give you hope. It will lift that cloud.

It will work better than a bottle of wine, a six pack of beer, or a bottle of whiskey. It will work better than a pound of chocolate, a half gallon of ice cream or a pizza. Hey don’t get me wrong, I can do most of those things (I am not much of a whiskey drinker.) Why? Those things only numb the pain for a little bit. A project is long term and it gives you a sense of accomplishment.

not gone, but not all consuming

Now don’t get me wrong. I am not saying that a worthwhile project will remove the problem that causes the dark cloud and the sad feelings it brings. But, what I am saying is that if you find something, some passion to work on, you will lift that dark cloud.

You see, when you have a dark cloud that consumes your every thought, your spirit is injured. Your project will give you a sense of accomplishment. It will give you something else to think about.

It does not have to be a project. It could be volunteering. It could be exercising. It could be helping an elderly person. It could be listening  to some upbeat music. As long as it takes your mind off of the the dark cloud, that is all that matters.

And when you lift that dark cloud, your mind clears. Your spirit heals enough to bring hope back. When you do that, the answer can reveal itself. Then you make a plan.

If you need to make a change in your life, if you need someone to encourage you, and you have no friend  who can help or no friend who encourages you, you always have me.

Lisa Y life coach
