Leland’s Story

Hey Friend~

How are you?

Why I do this 

I want to tell you about Leland. And yes, I have his permission to tell you his story.  Leland is a 35 year old man. As long as he can remember he had a dream. He wanted to go into his own business.

Leland is a quiet man. He is on the shy side. He has never had a lot of friends. He is an only child. So, he has never had much of a support system.

He struggled for the last 10 years since he graduated from college to get a good job. He does not know how to present his skills very well. So instead of having that one job that he enjoys he has had a string of jobs he did not like. In the back of his mind, he had this burning desire to do something else.

He took a class to improve his skills. Which it did. Then he took another class to become certified. But making that move to announce to the public that you are in business is not easy especially when you are shy without a support system.

Leland had taken one other course. This course told how to start this business. He did all the promotional things he was told to do. So, Leland built a web site. He built a business Facebook page. He started a blog. He did all the right things.  But it seemed that his message fell on deaf ears. He reached out and no one responded. This is actually not a new experience for Leland. He tried before to start a business. He did everything he was supposed to do. Other people were making good money at it. (He knows they were) But he made nothing.

Let me remind you that Leland is very shy. So, to get on Facebook, even with only a few friends, it takes a lot of guts to say hey I am starting this business. When no one helped without being asked, he directly asked a few different times. But for some unknown reason, people just don’t want to help Leland. He felt alone and abandoned. Because, Leland is a kind soul this reaction is very baffling to him.

Co achieve

That is where I come in. He turned to me. I know that his business is a solid idea. It is needed. I believe in Leland. I became his support system. Leland is starting to renew his faith in his business. He will try new approach. I won’t let Leland quit.

First we determined his inner drive. What does he want? (And it isn’t his own business) What is filling that need now? In other words, what is keeping him from success. On top of that, he is using hypnosis to turn it over to his subconscious mind.

Right track

So, he has not succeeded yet. These things take time. But I think he is on the right track. And we will work on building a support system. Not just people who give a thumbs up on Facebook, but people who will actually lend a hand.

In the meanwhile, he has me. I am not going anywhere.

And this is why I do what I do.

Have a great day.

Lisa Y coaching
