Cheese stands alone


I hope all is well with you today.

Cheese stands alone

You are familiar with the “Farmer in the Dell” song, right? The farmer takes a wife, the wife a child. the child a nurse, the nurse a dog, the dog a cat, the cat a rat, and the rat the cheese. And the cheese has no one to take. The cheese has no one to interact with them. Are you like the cheese? Are you alone? Do you have no one to interact with you or do people who call you friend, but they are not really there for you?

Good news!

You don’t have to be alone. You can always have a friend in me. If you need someone with whom you can interact, I will always be there for you. You and I can interact on a daily basis if that is what you need.

Better news!

I have been through a lot of things too. So, I can relate to just about anything. I am not like a lot of other people who counsel. A lot of other people who counsel act as if they are better than everyone else. You won’t feel that way with me.

Best News!

I have time for you. If you feel like the cheese, all alone, don’t Don’t be alone. I will be there for you. Frankly, one good listener and supporter is better than 100 fake friends.

If you would like more information, please message me.


Smile for me!

Lisa Y coaching