Change yourself and your world changes

It seems at times that our lives are helpless. It seems that we cannot create positive change. Our lives can seem to be a mess. We can feel powerless. When this happens we often stop trying. We get the attitude of “I give up”. We do this because we are tired of trying and not being successful in making our lives better.

The answer to fixing our world starts with fixing ourselves. It starts with trusting and taking care of yourself. Gradually, you will release your old habits. You will create positive new habits. Those around you will notice and they will change how they interact with you. You will become more relaxed. You will gain confidence in your ability to overcome any issue. You will feel more powerful. Fear will be a thing of the past.

One action to take is to reveal and be frank with all of your feelings. It is important to acknowledge all the painful experiences in your life so that you can release them. It is my experience that one can hide their head in the sand only so long. At some point in time, we must face those things which cause pain. The sooner we do it the sooner we get past the pain. Only by bringing the pain to light can we solve our bad feelings. When we shine the light on the darkness, the darkness disappears.

The most important thing to remember is that transformation begins with us. When we transform our thinking, we transform our world.


Coach Lisa