What would you change?

So, if you were to reincarnate, what would you change?

Would you be a different type of person? If so, how?

Would you want the same people in your life? With whom would you want to go through life again? With whom would you not want to go through life again?

Would you be kinder?

 Would you eat differently?

Would you exercise more?

Would you do the same work?

Would you live in the same city or town?

Why wait?

If there are things you would change if you were to reincarnate, why wait? Change those things now. 

If there are things you would want to be different, make them different now. Want a different job? Change jobs. If you don’t like certain people in your life, why are they in your life? If there are people in your life you love in your life, don’t lose them. If you want to eat healthier or exercise more, then do it.

Your relationships.

If you have people in your life that are not positive in your life, you should break free of them. Don’t keep negative energy in your life. It is not as hard as you might think. And those who are positive keep those relationships alive. Many relationships take work so don’t go too long without spending time with those who are beneficial to your life.


The things you do or don’t do are all habits. What you eat, what you drink, your activity level etc. those are all habits. You made them. You can break them. You can make new ones.

Your work.

That is a bit harder to change. If you would need to get a degree and that is out of reach, then find something in that field that you can do. You don’t have to do it over night.

It isn’t that complicated.

So many people feel they are not “living up to their potential”. Or they wonder what type of work they should be doing. They don’t like this and they don’t like that. Should I date him/her? Questions. Questions. Questions.

It isn’t that complicated. You know what your passions are. Do that. If you wonder if you should be with someone, probably not. If you wonder if anything is right or what you should be doing, probably not. Let go and move on.

As the old expression goes: If it feels good, do it. (But probably not if it involves something illegal).

The answers are in you. You already know what makes you happy. You already know what you want to do and what you don’t want to do. So, do what makes you happy. Be with that person who makes you happy. Trust yourself. You don’t need approval. But if you want approval, talk to someone positive in your life who can be supportive.

Make your here and now the life of your dreams.


