Dogs and cats, our special guides


Happy Saturday to you all. How are you today? Busy like me? 10:30 am and I have walked for an hour and worked around the house for 3 hours and have taken almost my 10,000 steps already.

Any way  I just want you to pay attention to your relationship with your pets. I have two large dogs. When I talk to them, I realize that what I say to them I could often say to me.

They are very shy. I can be. I am better, but I still have my moments. I often tell them not to be so scared. I tell them they (the public) won’t hurt you. I tell them settle down it will be OK. I tell them they  are fine. Some one could tell me those same things.

The point is the world is our mirror. If you have a dog or two, pay attention to what you tell them. Now, say it to your self.

Now, how about cats. I have had a few over the years even though I am allergic. They came into my life, and I just could not say no.  Any way, cats are unique creatures. Sometimes they are very loving. The next moment they will scratch and bite, right? They will look at you, seemingly understanding when you tell them not to knock that vase or potted plant over. Then as if to purposely irritate you, they knock it over. No wonder we call it *catitude*.

Personally, I think we all need a little catitude ourselves. Pay attention to the things your cat does. Now, see how you can incorporate that sense of self into your own world. You may step out of your comfort zone a bit but I bet you will get a happy grin on your face. You’re doing it now, aren’t you? I am.

It isn’t just our cats and dogs that guide us. It is every one in our lives. What pushes your buttons? Now, how could you be pushing your own buttons?

Look in the mirror. It is quite eye opening.

Have a great day! Smile for me.

