Mindfulness lesson 6

Hey there~

How are you today? I took yesterday off. Did you miss me? *smile* So, have you been practicing your mindfulness? Good.

Path and Destination

Mindfulness has two faces. It is at the same time the path and the destination. Mindfulness is the path toward the ability to build up awareness and concentration. Mindfulness is also the the destination of a life of awareness. Mindfulness releases forgetfulness and to live fully. The more you practice mindfulness the more mindfulness you have.

Are you breathing?

Your breath is your life. Breath is what keeps you alive. It is so essential and yet it is something of which we are generally unaware. Most people usually only notice it when we have a hard time breathing. When we become winded or congested and it is difficult to breathe, that is when breathing is noticeable.

Have you ever heard a fitness instructor say “don’t forget to breathe”? Some people think that is a silly thing to say. But when you become aware of your breathing, you will notice there are times when we hold our breath. Doing weight lifting is one of those times. Fitness trainers are well aware of this, and so they remind people to breathe. When we get excited, and we have something to tell others, we often talk a lot without taking a breath. Have you ever told someone something, and had them interrupt you with “take a breath”? I have.

When people get nervous or excited, or do some challenging task, (like weight lifting) they sometimes hold their breath. What happens is that your brain becomes scattered. You are not concentrating. Taking a breath actually centers the mind. If you follow your breath, you will actually do better than if you don’t hold it.

Proper breathing

The key to proper breathing is using the diaphragm. When you breathe using the diaphragm, you increase your energy as you improve the oxygenation of the blood. The diaphragm is an energy mobilizer. Improved movement of the diaphragm through applied kinesiology improves the meridians which in turn improves energy flow.

How to breathe properly for the maximum benefits is easy. As we inhale, the diaphragm contracts. This enlarges the thoracic cavity helping the lungs fill with oxygen. As the diaphragm relaxes, we exhale forcing the carbon dioxide out of the lungs.

Ideal breathing is abdominal breathing. The focus is on the belly button and not the chest. When you breathe properly, your belly will rise more than your chest. Test your breathing. Take a few slow, deep breaths. Concentrate on letting your abdomen expand fully with the incoming air. You may want to visualize that the air is actually coming in through your belly button and not your nose. Your belly should rise and fall about an inch with each breath.

With proper breathing, you will become more relaxed, reduce blood pressure and your heart rate, and deliver more oxygen to your body tissues.

How to mind your breath

Take in a fairly long breath. Feel your lungs expand. Now exhale being sure to get all the air out. Now wait a few seconds before you take your next breath. You will notice air coming in without taking a breath. Did you notice? Now do this for a few breaths. Be aware.

I am breathing in. I am breathing out. I am breathing in. I am breathing out. I feel my lungs and rib cage expanding. Imagine the air circulating throughout your entire body. Can you feel it? When you breath properly, your entire upper body should move.

That’s all for today.

Take time to mind your breath a few times a day. It is a good habit.

Tell me how you are doing. www.facebook.com/lisaylifecoach


Lisa Y coaching