mindfulness lesson 8


How are you? How has your mindfulness been going? Let me know. I would love to hear from you. www.facebook.com/lisaylifecoach

Breath awareness exercise

In case you have not noticed, being aware of your breathe is key to mindfulness and meditation. Here is a good method for watching your breath.

If you recall in lesson 7, I talked a little about the mechanics of proper breathing. Remember? It is abdominal breathing, using the diaphragm. Recall that you imagine breathing through your belly button. If you lie down, you can get a better feel for the process. So, lie down. Comfy?

Place your hands on your belly. Take in a breath. As you breathe in, notice how the stomach rises? Now when you get to be about 2/3 of the way through your breath your stomach will lower. What is happening? When you breathe in properly, the air fills the lower parts of the lungs first. The diaphragm pushes down on the stomach causing it to rise. After the upper lungs have filled with air, the chest pushes out and the stomach lowers. As you breathe, think of the air starting to enter your body at your belly button and then having the nose take over about 2/3 of the way.

The breathing exercise

To do this exercise lie quietly. Don’t use a pillow, and have your arms relaxed at your side. Take a natural breath. As you exhale, count. How many seconds does it take to exhale? Count a few times to get a standard number. Now, try to extend the exhale another 1 or 2 counts. So, if your exhale is say 4, try to exhale for a count of 6. This will help you to empty more air out of your lungs. When you finish exhaling say to the count of 6, pause for 1 count before inhaling. This allows the lungs to fill with air on their own. Can you feel it? Inhalation usually shorter. Count your inhalation and now try to extend that also. Just relax and quietly breathe for a few moments. Aim to do this for say 20 breaths. Relaxing, isn’t it? That’s it!

Easy does it

 Just don’ too breathe too hard. Your breathing should be relaxed and steady. Don’t try to force your stomach out. Just let your body do what comes naturally. It should not be noisy either. Don’t breathe so hard that you hear the air enter your nose. Breathing should be quiet, relaxed and steady.

Unless you have sinus congestion, your breathing should be so quiet that it is not heard by someone next to you.

Advanced level 

So, you have mastered the above exercise. Now, you want to take it to the next level. Do this same exercise in your every day activities. Working on your computer, watching television, walking, at the gym, cleaning your home, any time. If you practice this while walking, you can make a game of it. Six steps to inhale and six steps to exhale.

Control your breath, control your mind and body

Breathing should be a graceful and peaceful thing to do. It is a peaceful thing to do. When you are stressed, stop and follow your breath for 20 counts. You will feel more in control. If you are excited, stop and sit. Your breathing more than likely will be rapid. So, take a few breaths to slow it down. Get the inhale and exhale to be even. Be aware of your body. Feel the motions of your body as you breathe. Think to yourself, I am breathing in. I am breathing out.

Another breath awareness exercise

Breathe in for 1 count. Exhale for 1 count. Inhale for 2 counts. Exhale for 2 counts. Continue through inhaling 10 counts and exhaling 10 counts. Now return down to 1 count in and 1 count out. This exercise takes more awareness. You may lose count. If you do, start again at 1.

Mastering your breath

When you master following the count of your breaths, you have made a big step in mindfulness. Your breath will automatically be very calm and steady. Your inhales and exhales will naturally be even. At this point, you will not need to count any more.

When you master your breathing, you control your consciousness. When things get out of control, catch your breath and you control your environment. With control over your breath you also develop your concentration.


Practice. And let me know how you are doing. www.facebook.com/lisaylifecoach


Smile for me!

Lisa Y coaching