Are you a dog or a cat?

I think both dogs and cats have good qualities. But which personality is better in life?

Cats. Cats are cool. It takes a lot to stir up a cat and make him concerned about anything. They are daring and bold. Cats have nerves of steel. Have you ever seen the video of a cat being sniffed by a bear? If not, where have you been?

They are unapologetic. Have you ever seen a cat look at a person look at something they are not supposed to touch and then they look back at the person and then they swipe the vase or glass or what ever and knock it onto the floor? They do it all the time. They will knock a plant down and make a mess. Then, they stare at it and look at you with this look as if to say “yes I knocked it down and made a  mess and what are you going to do about it?”.

They will steal a dog’s bed, and ignore all attempts the dog may make to get it back. If the dog is lucky, they will share the bed if there is space.

And those claws of theirs are dangerous. It may not seem like much, but anyone who has ever been on the wrong end of the claws knows what I mean.

It isn’t to say that they are not loving. Now, they sometimes pretend to be loving. That is when they rub up on your leg and purr. That is not always love. Normally, that is cat language for “feed me human.” But they are loving. When you get in your favorite chair in the evening and they join you, and then you don’t want to get up no matter how much you need to go to the bathroom. And if you sleep with your cat you get those little love pats. Aww. Right?

In summary about cats, they do as they please, get what they want, are not easily intimidated, are unapologetic and when they want affection you can’t refuse.

Dogs. Dogs are pack animals. You are your dog’s pack. As such, they want to be with all the time. Well, at the very least they want you to be within ear shot of you. They want to know where you are. Some dogs are always at your side, and some are happy just knowing you are near if they need or want you.

Most dogs are not as brave as they seem. Contrary to popular belief most dogs would rather flee than fight. That is why being on a leash can be a problem in certain situations. If threatened while on a leash, there is nothing more most dogs would want to do than get off that leash and run home.

Dogs are faithful. They will stick with you no matter what.

Now, if your dog does something you don’t like, they will act guilty. They know you did not like what they did and give you those “I’m sorry” eyes. They are not really sorry. They don’t have that concept. But a dog knows it will be helpful if they at least seem apologetic.

When a dog comes up to you and gives affection, they mean it every time. One of my dogs licks my feet at night in the summer to show love. When I feel sad, they come to me. My girl will put her butt in my face. Her thinking is that if I rub her back or tummy I will feel better. It makes me laugh, and that makes me feel better. So, I guess it works after all.

In summary, dogs are lovers not fighters at heart. They only fight when fleeing is not possible. They are family oriented. They care about your feelings. They are faithful companions.

Cat or dog? Which are you? What qualities are most helpful in society?

I am more of a dog. I am more of a lover than a fighter. I would rather handle things quietly and peacefully. I bark a lot. I do act, but it makes me nervous sometimes. I am not a cat who seemingly is not concerned with the consequences of my actions. I am a faithful friend.

But sometimes I wish I were more of a cat. I wish I could do as I please and not always be concerned about what others may think. I want to be cool under pressure.  When I want something, I would like to be able to know how to go for it and get what I want when I want it.

What qualities are best in society? I think different qualities are good for different situations.

Be cool like a cat under stressful situations. Sit back and relax. Observe. What is the situation at hand? Do not over react. If you want something, don’t be intimidated to go for it. When you make a mistake, own up to it. Be like the cat who knocks the plant off the shelf and makes a mess on the carpet. We all make mistakes. Don’t hide. Most of the time a mistake can be fixed. Like a cat, be conservative on who you love. Don’t give it away to just anyone. Give your true affections to those you love when you feel like it.

Make a pack like a dog. Surround yourself with a support system. Have people in your life you can always turn to. Different people offer different things. Be faithful. As long as it legal and moral, stand with your pack members no matter what. When you hurt others, be sorry. Even if you did nothing wrong, (you made a mistake or something happened which was out of your control) say you are sorry your actions made them feel bad or harmed them in any way. If you want something, don’t let others block you. Go for what you want. And when you feel bad don’t be afraid to ask for a back or belly rub and don’t take no for an answer.

