We are all addicted to something.


How are you today?

So, we are all addicted to something. It could be alcohol or some other drug. It could be chocolate. It could be a hand held game. It could be any number of things.

Addictions are habits we create to meet a need. Alcohol, drugs, comfort food for example, are all used to meet the need for comfort. We dull our sensations when we use or consume these things. We use them for variety in life. We also use or consume them to get a feeling of love and connection.

Did you know that you don’t actually need to consume that comfort food or use that drug to get the effects of it?

You don’t. All you need is to look at it. If you love chocolate, for example, just having that candy bar in your hand, is enough to give you the pleasure you desire? Yep! It is true. I know that is not enough to make you not eat it, but it is a fun fact isn’t it?

Addictions get in the way of meeting the needs we have in a positive way. When your addiction, what ever it may be stops meeting your need, you will quit the addiction.

How do you do this? You need to know the source of the problem. Self knowledge leads to self-confidence which leads to ability to change.

You need to truly understand your needs. What need are you trying to meet? What is being met by not changing? Using the leverage of avoiding the pain of the addiction to gaining the pleasure the new action brings.

It really is not as hard as it sounds. As long as you are honest with yourself, you have the answers in you.

Everything in your life is based on this very principle. When the answer comes, it is really exciting. Your whole being changes. You can feel a load lifting.

So, does this sound like something you would like to do? Any bad habits you would like to break?

It would be my pleasure to help you.

You may leave a message at www.facebook.com/lisaylifecoach or go to my web site www.lisaycaoching.com

Take Care!


Lisa Yerington, life coach