passion and achievement

What are you passionate about?

It seems to me that our passions in life are what make life worth living. If we did not have passion, what would fill our hearts?

Do you make the most of your passion?

If it gives you joy, you need to make it a big part of your life. Preferably, your passion should be your life’s work. If that is not possible for you, then at least make it a hobby.

Which leads to this question: What are the achievements you are most proud of?

It seems to me that your greatest achievements should have something to do with your passion. Your heart leads you in your passion. It is that one thing that you do without feeling like you *have to*. You do it because it gives you joy. It should be something you do for fun. It isn’t something you put off doing.

Are you living your passion?

If yes, good for you! If not, why? Is it because you don’t have time? Is it because you don’t know how? If not, you may want to take a few moments to think about it. Life is meant to be enjoyed. And enjoying your passion, listening to your heart is a big part of that.



Let me know how you are doing with this.