6 tips for success

Six quick tips for success

1: Get ahead of fear.  I don’t know how many times I have known someone who wanted to do something, but put it off to have everything just right before launching their project or business. What happens is that people start thinking about what could go wrong. Then they think maybe it is not a good idea. They start to worry and then they give up  before they try.

2: Fake it until you make it. When you don’t have control over a situation, confuse those who do. Know what those in control want and give it to them. Even if you are new at something you can do it. Be confident in you.

3: Get rid of your routine. If you stick with the same way of doing things, you won’t get anywhere. Break those invisible chains that are holding you back.

4: Ask for help. It is really hard to do things on your own. You need at least one other person to work out the what and how of any business or project. What is or is not working in your life is a great indicator of the direction to take.

5: Mental endurance.  Excitement gets a plan going. But when you hit those hurdles, that can stop you. Too many roadblocks and motivation and excitement fade. It is mental endurance that keeps you going. You have something you want you have to attack it. You have to give it all you have. Form new habits. Not being alone, getting help as needed, someone to hold you accountable, changing your old ways these all work toward mental endurance.

6: Room for improvement. Make one step forward every day. Improve just one thing every day. Achieve 1% of your goal every day. Your brain thinks small. When your brain is done, you are 40% of capacity, capability. Breaking through barriers gets you to the next level.

Those  things that are challenging are things that require preparation, training, planning, maybe failure, but those are the things that make you feel most alive. When you get over those hurdles, past those roadblocks, you learn more about you and what you truly can do. You will see that you can do things you never thought possible. Traveling the rough road is exhilarating when you reach the end. The satisfaction makes it all worth it.

In summary, dare to do your dream. You may stray off the beaten path, but you will find your way. And at the of the day you just may find a band new and improved you—someone who dared and made it.


