12 easy tips for change tip 3

Introduction: This is a series of easy tips for improvement. They are designed to be simple actions to make a big impact.

Tip three:

Have the right people in your life.

It is important to surround your self with people who are on the same page as you. These are people who either have the same goals or have already accomplished the goals you have for you.

When you have the right circle of friends, you have people who will encourage you. These people will inspire. They will give you a nudge. They will keep you on the right track. They won’t think you are crazy to have certain goals and dreams. They won’t try to talk you out of your dream. They will build you up.

These people have the same values as you at least in your goals. For example, if you are striving to be a successful business owner, you want to be with other people with the same goal or have met that goal. If you are with people who don’t understand that desire, they may be discouraging to you. On the other hand, people with the same goals are supportive. You feel safe talking to these people.

This does not mean that you can’t have a variety of people in your life. Different people bring different things to our lives. We share different things with different people. For example, you go to the casino with one friend, but another you will never have join you to the casino. So, keep different people around for different things. Just make sure you have some people in your life that you need for support of your goals and dreams.

OK that’s it for tip 3.

Cheers. Coach Lisa
