12 easy tips for change, tip 5

Introduction: I am doing a series of 12 tips that are easy to do but make a big impact on your life. These simple tips when followed will improve your life.

Tip 5:

You should like your children.

One of the benefits of having a family is you learn what is acceptable and not acceptable in the world. Families will put up with a lot from their family members. With families we learn boundaries. So, if our family thinks it is wrong, the rest of the world probably will also.

There was a time when public opinion mattered. If your behavior or the behavior of your children was obnoxious, and people would comment, it was taken as a sign that that particular behavior was unacceptable. Changes would be made to be polite. Today, if you criticize others, they very well may “give you the finger”, and tell you to mind your own business.

Since the public opinion of behavior is not valued, there is only one way to know when your actions are rude or obnoxious. This is through the response of your family. If your behavior is not acceptable to those who love you the most, it just should not be done.

If we don’t want to be around our own family in public, how do you think other people feel? If you don’t like to be around your children, others probably don’t like being around them either. Now, this could apply to anyone in the family. It could be a spouse who gets loud an obnoxious in public to the point you want to pretend to not know the person. But the point here is to discuss children.

It is the responsibility of the grownups to teach children how to be in public or at home for that matter. Just remember that if you don’t like being around them and you love them, others don’t want to be around them even more. And it is only polite and considerate to have children that are polite and considerate. If they don’t learn this as children, they will grow up to be that obnoxious adult you don’t like to be around.

Why it matters. Being obnoxious in life is filling the need for significance. But this method of feeling significant, makes it harder to fill the need for love and connection with others. Why? Because no one likes being around people who are rude and obnoxious, and that makes it harder to find those who will put up with that behavior. The response then is to be even more obnoxious in order to feel important or significant. This then starts a vicious cycle.


Life Coach Lisa
