Depression and rejecting help

Are you rejecting getting help? Are you rejecting a life without depression?
Why not free yourself from the chains of depression? You will never realize how bad you really feel right now doing depression UNTIL you stop doing it. I know you are comfortable with depression, but it no longer serves you. There is a better way.
Help starts here:

Depression help

So do you like the idea of my guidance leading you out from under the control of depression? Do you like the idea of being in control of your life? My newsletter is only $20 for 4 months. My system that helped me, Come into your power, is only $140. Other courses are available and only go up to $900.

I know everyone is interested until they have to pay. Really, how much is it worth to end the struggle? Check out the offers here:

Depression questions

Questions: 1. What is the most frustrating thing about going through depression? 2. How would not struggling with depression make your life better? 3. What do you think that should cost?
My Answers for when I did depression: 1. Feeling alone. 2. I could function. 3. It would be worth up to $1500.
My courses run between $140-900. The course Come Into Your Power, which is the same system that I used to get better after 40 years of depression, is a two week $140 program. Check out my offerings here:

Depression and Personal growth

My specialties are personal growth and depression. I want to help people to grow. I want people to be abundant in every aspect of their life. I want them to come into their power.
Most people talk about wanting to prosper in life. They want to not struggle with life. Yet, they do nothing. Maybe they tried and were not successful. Nothing they have tried has helped. They feel misunderstood. They feel hopeless.
The problem is that they got the wrong help for them. I struggled for 40 years. Then I changed my life with the same system I now call Come Into Your Power. This and other options are available here:

Depression help pivot and evolve

Pivot and Evolve. Success almost always involves having to pivot or change course along the way. You may choose the wrong answer to your need at first. Or you may need to adjust the answer to be a better match for you. The exactly right answer is in your view. It is in reach. You just have to make the effort.
The point is don’t give up if things don’t change or don’t change fast enough. Change is possible. A better life is possible. If you want change enough, you can make it happen.
I suffered for nearly 40 years and then I created a solution. It worked for me. It will work for you too. It is a course I call Come Into Your Power. This and other options can be found here:

The million dollar life without depression

A life without the struggle of depression is a million dollar life.

In order to have a million dollar life, you need a million dollar opportunity to get your depression under control. The good news is that it does not cost a million dollars. You can take the same steps I did for only $140. There are other options as well. You can find them here:

The better the surfboard, the better the ride

You are a surfer. Your depression or anxiety or any bad feeling is your surfboard.
Life is the wave. And the right wave is what matters most. The longer you ride your surfboard of depression and anxiety, you will eventually wipe out. The longer you use a surfboard of depression and anxiety, the waves get bigger and bigger until it is like riding a tidal wave.
What you need is a new surfboard. You need a better surfboard which can carry you easily on any wave, even a tidal wave. So where can you find a better surfboard? Right here:

Never be alone

What is one thing I wished someone could help me with, but I had no one to help? When I did depression, my answer to this was to have someone who understood. It’s hard when you think you are alone. I know that is very common when doing depression. You are not alone. I did depression for decades. I get it. I get you. When you are ready to ditch depression, you can find me here:

Give yourself some credit

What is one thing that I regularly fail to do well?
When I did depression, my answer to this was that I did not give myself enough credit. Do you feel that way? Do you ever feel you don’t fit in or you are broken? Do you ever feel that you just don’t measure up because you just don’t function the way others do? You should not beat your self up. Everyone does the best they can with the tools at hand. You use depression, but you can, with a little guidance, have better tools at hand. And when you do, you will have all sorts of reasons to give your self more credit for the amazing person you are underneath the depression. For guidance:

Your not done item on your to-do list

Question for today: What is one thing on your to-do list that’s been there for over a week?
So, what has been keeping you from it? It is not fun? It’s too hard? You think you will fail?
Now, what has been keeping you from working on making the change you want in your life? Pretty much the same things, right? I know it can seem hard to change, but it does not have to be. Change has a lot to do with getting to know you. It is self-discovery. I thought it was fun and exciting. If you relax and get into it, you would too. Gentle guidance can be found here: