
What is the most frustrating thing for you with doing depression?

For me, it was feeling alone and different and not in a good way. I felt I had to lie about how I was really feeling. I didn’t want to tell the truth because I didn’t want to bring people down. I didn’t want to be “negative”. I knew that even those with the best intentions never really wanted to hear about how I was really feeling. So I kept it to myself. Sound familiar? I would also get so frustrated all the time, and never really knew why. So many times I just wanted to go to bed and sleep and forget about the rest of the world. This man I know, it is so hard for him to get up and out into the world. His wife says he is the bravest man she knows. Can you relate? Is it that hard to go anywhere? I would love to hear from you.

Understanding Depression

Hey All,

I just wanted you to know that I am adding to my coaching with a weekly newsletter. I am going to publish on dealing with depression. This is for people doing depression or for people who know someone doing depression. It is an inside look into what it is and what it is not. What it is like. Understanding depression.

Is this something you are interested in?

Here is an easy way to sign up!

And it is FREE.

Wishing you well!


Event on Depression

 Sunday 7/21 at 9:00 AM pacific I will be giving a speech on depression. 

What is it. What it is not. What are the symptoms? What it is like to do depression. 

If  interested,  it will be on Lisa Yerington profile page on Facebook

Changing as a person

My focus as a life coach is to help people in two different ways. One is to help people who struggle with depression and anxiety. The other is to guide people wanting to grow as a person. 

For me, my first need to getting the life I wanted was to stop doing depression. I found the answer while I studied to be a life coach. When I did the diagnosis questions, I understood me. For the first time, I understood me. 

From there, I started to find better ways to not be so overwhelmed. I learned to clear my mind of all the confusion. I learned how to control certain thoughts. I let them come, I acknowledged them and then I let them go. Those thoughts of being overwhelmed come up still, but now I control them. I relax. I calm myself down. 

After I learned to not struggle with depression, I was ready to achieve. I wanted to build on what I had accomplished. I used certain tools to define my passion. I used certain tools to determine what path I wanted to take in life. What did I want to accomplish? I also used certain tools to know that I am am okay no matter what. I did not have to accomplish great things in life. I just had to go in the direction that was to lead me to my passion. 

You can do the same. I am not saying it will always be easy. It more than likely will not always be easy.  But any advancement in life, any little bit that makes life better is a worthy goal. It takes time and practice. 

My advice to you is to make it fun and that can make it easier.

Until next time.


Connect with me

Hey there! 

I can be found on various social media platforms. 

My number one platform is Facebook. I have two pages. One is Depression Ditches. This is for people who want to stop doing depression.  The other is Coachieve. This is for people who are striving to grow as a person. These are both really good places to see get inspriation and to interact with me.

I can also be found on Twitter/X. I am not here often but I go by @LMYerington. 

I also post on Instagram. There I go by lisayerington.

So, check these out and say hi. 

Until next time, 


P.S. I know these posts are sort of boring. But we are just getting to know each other. These are introductions. 


You are awesome!

Thank you for signing up for this newsletter. 

I started as a life coach back in 2016. I have learned a few things:

I have learned what makes me tick.

I have learned why I am the way I am.

Why I have had the challenges I have had and how to deal with life in a better and more positive way. 

People struggle for different reasons. It could be depression or anxiety. 

People are also seaching for a way to achieve their goals. 

In these newsletters, I will share some aspect of my life and how I used the tools I learned in becomig a life coach to better my life. 

So, stay tuned. 

Until next time, 


Covid and depression

Do you understand the why of what I will call Covid depression?

What it is not:

It is not the lack of in person human interaction including hugs. It is not the lack of socializing and going out to bars and restaurants. It has nothing to do with how your hair looks. It is not the lack of a job or a loss of income. Nor is it not being able to go to a job you enjoy. It is not the inability to go to the gym or do similar activities. it is not the inability to go shopping at the mall. It is not the inability to go see a sick or aging relative. It is not that you can’t watch sports. It is not staying home all the time. It is not being stuck at home with your family all the time.

It isn’t? No it isn’t. Does that surprise you? It should. Those things are all very upsetting. And they do lead to bad feelings. But that is not the reason for any depression you may be feeling right now.

What it is:

It is the lack of certainty. All depression is from a lack of certainty. It is a lack of control. Right now, we don’t really know from day to day what is happening. Today your city, county and state have some sort of rules of engagement. They are being very controlling. Today you can do some action or activity , but tomorrow it may not be allowed. But, you never know when the mayor, county supervisor or governor may get on the news and say something like starting tomorrow the rules are going to change. It may mean more freedoms, or it may be fewer freedoms.

There are four necessities in life. One is control. When we lose control, we may do depression for comfort. I know that does not make any sense. But it is comforting. You bring a little control back into your life. If you act in a depressed manner, you are taking control of one aspect of your life. I will act depressed if I want to. It is my decision. What it is you may be doing to deal with the current situation is bringing a sense of security. You are giving you acting a certain way to bring pleasure into your life to avoid pain.

Here is what is happening. You sit around your home and ask questions. How long will it last? Will I get sick? Will it get worse? How will it end?

This is the necessity of life uncertainty. It is the opposite of certainty. We need uncertainty or variety. The problem is that right now uncertainty is out of control. It is too much. This brings the need for certainty and uncertainty out of balance. This is what is causing so much distress right now.

What you have to understand in life is that sometimes there are events in our world that we can’t control. You can send a “tweet” to the governor of your state asking that he or she allow this or that, but it won’t help. When something is completely out of your control, you have to accept that. You have to allow yourself to just relax and let go. I know that can be hard to do sometimes. But that is the first step in feeling better if the current situation has you acting out of sorts. And frankly, letting go is taking control in it’s own way.

The next step would be to find other actions you can take to bring control to your life. Work on other issues. Find a new hobby to take your mind off the rest of the world for awhile. Take up meditation. This is particularly helpful as meditation is all about bringing control into your life. You can still exercise. You can still go for a walk, a hike, a bicycle ride. Exercise is one of my best ways to clear my mind. And one more thing to do is to seriously reduce your exposure to the events of the world right now. Be informed, but don’t dwell on it by spending more than 10 minutes a day obsessing over any new development.

OK I hope that helps. If not, you know where to find me.

Coach Lisa

Jill Miller Sex Slave

Hey, so I wrote a romance novel. I think you will like it. Here is a preview.


INNOCENCE LOST, LOVE, AND OPPORTUNITY… JILL MILLER:SEX SLAVE Jill Miller was an average teen girl when at the age of 16, tragedy struck her life, and she found herself thrown into the dark world the oldest profession of providing various pleasures.

How to get your copy:

This book is available in print and 3 e book formats.
The link to purchase is


LOSS, LOVE, AND OPPORTUNITY… A teen age girl fights to make something out of her life after she becomes involved in the so called oldest profession. JILL MILLER: SEX SLAVE Jill Miller was a shy, tom boy until one day everything changed. This girl who at 16 still had not even dated, lost her innocence when, after the death of her parents, she trusted the wrong person. She goes from an innocent child to a woman providing sexual pleasures. Her story starts at the age of 16 when everything she has ever known is ripped out of her life. She quickly has to learn a new way of life. She juggles meeting her obligations to more than one madam and making her dreams come true. She longs for the past, but is always looking toward the future. And without even looking much less expecting it in this very unlikely life situation she finds true love. Is this man to be the one who brings the promise of a better life?


Michael spun me around and took me in his arms. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I had seen that in a movie once, and always wanted to try that. It was as great as I had imagined. My lips were glued to his. Our tongues roamed freely. He walked over to the bed. And we fell upon it. He removed my blouse. He cupped my breasts. The nipples rose with excitement. Then he moved my skirt out of the way. Here my defenses rose and my thighs closed to prevent invasion. To ease the process, he gently put his hands on my thighs. His thumbs moved along the space between the thighs. And my thighs obeyed and relaxed. Their guard was down. But still there was some caution. They had a wait and see attitude. They would relax for the moment, but any sign of danger, the defenses would come up. The entry would close.

This romance novel is filled with all sorts of variety of sex scenes. And of course there is a happy ending.

Social Media:

Facebook page: Fans of Jill for discussion.

Twitter: #jillmillersexslave

Thank you for your time.

Corona and Lent My Perspective

So does it occur to anyone else that this Corona virus is happening during Lent and that there is a lesson here?

One day everything was life as usual in the world. It was Fat Tuesday so to speak.

Then a virus appeared.

Then the next thing you know we are searching for toilet paper. We are social distancing. We are not able to eat in a restaurants. Schools are closed. Amusement parks are closed. Concerts are canceled. Hotel, travel and tourism industries are hurting. All sorts of events are canceled. Some businesses that have never closed ever even in 100 years are closed.

All this closure has us giving up a lot of things. Just like people do for Lent.

Lent is a time when people give up something they enjoy. It is meant as a sacrifice. The forty days represents the time Jesus spent in the wilderness, enduring the temptation of Satan and preparing to begin his ministry. Lent is a time of repentance, fasting and preparation for the coming of Easter. It is a time of self-examination and reflection.  It is a time when Christians focus on relationship with God, growing as disciples and extending ourselves, often choosing to give up something or to volunteer and give of ourselves for others.

Can you see the connection?

We are all, not just Christians, being asked to give up some things. It is situation where we are making choices. What is important? What is not?This is being called a crisis. If so, the word crisis which has the Greek root to mean to sift. That is to shake out the excesses and to leave only what is important. That is what crises do. They shake things up until we are forced to hold on to what matters most. The rest falls away.

In this time of the time of the Corona situation, we, are preparing for Easter in a sense. A new way of living may very well be at hand. The birth of a new way of living. Getting back to the basics of what is important. We are seeing what really matters. Before this situation we had excesses that were not of benefit to us in our spiritual sense. We lived wanting more and more. Just like Fat Tuesday, before this situation, we splurged. Now, we have been forced to cut back. We have had to adjust to a very big change. We are looking around to see who needs help. How can we help our seniors? How can we help the small business which has to close or has had their business dwindle due to the social distancing?

Don’t you think it’s interesting that the name of this virus is corona? Many people would have heard about the solar flash preceding ascension. The solar flash is understood to be a mass CORONAL ejection from the sun, wiping out all negative influence on the planet and restoring humanity to their rightful true states of being. Switched on in the heart, connected to true source, able to experience true light and eradicating all false light on the planet. This is spoken about in ancient mystery schools and religious texts alike, our ancients understood that a time would come where first light would return.

“And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and grew gardens full of fresh food, and learned new ways of being, and were still. And listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently. “And the people healed. And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the earth began to heal. “And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed.”~Kitty O’Meara

In the Hindu religion, Shiva is the destroyer. Shiva represents the constant changing of the universe, the flow of life. From Shiva we learn that everything must constantly be destroyed in order to be reborn. He reminds us that we must constantly let go of everything we hold on to, in order to flow with the motion of life.

Ruin is the road to transformation.

Please take this time, to reflect. What positive can come out of this at the end of the crisis? It is all going to be all right.

Coach Lisa

Life Purpose is not grand

So, there is A LOT out there on the URGENCY to find your PURPOSE.

SECRET: there is no urgency to find your purpose! RELAX. Your purpose will COME to you.

A big part of MY purpose was the years I was there for my mom including 13 months after her stroke. A big part of MY purpose has been to care for animals. There have been my rescues and the neighbor dogs. Some of my purpose has been to be a friend and guide to people in general. It has also been that kind word or gesture to others. I may not have saved the world, but I made a DIFFERENCE to mom and a variety of dogs and cats, strangers, and my clients. The POINT is don’t try to FIND your purpose. You don’t have to look for it.

Not everyone has some great life purpose. YOUR purpose may very well be similar to mine. Your purpose may be to make a DIFFERENCE in a small way just as I did. For people to think they do and they are not fulfilling their life purpose is very upsetting to people. This is a big contribution to so many people feeling unfulfilled. They feel they are not living up to what they should be doing.

I saw someone who asked how much PAIN will you go through to get to your life purpose? YIKES! Fulfilling your life purpose should not be painful. It should be natural. It is not a treasure hunt. It surrounds you. It is part of your life already.

Your life purpose or our true obligation to the world is to be the best we can be. This is our destiny. We take what has been given to us and use this to take care of ourselves. We need to learn to love our self. As we love our self, that is reflected in the world. Through love we make anything possible. When we take care of or own self, this is reflected back into the world, and others will do the same. Thoughts are things. What we think happens. Ideas begin to grow. Opportunities become endless. There is no concept of boundary or limitation.

People are always searching for answers. I say that the answer to anything lies in the question. We simply have to recognize it. When we follow our true self, the answer will be there. When we learn to trust ourselves, we can relax. We can release fear. When we relax and release fear, we find peace, and we can overcome anything.

Our purpose is to gain experience. We are here to learn. We are here to grow. There are 5 passions that hold us back. In order to grow, we must eliminate them. Here they are:

Anger: Anger has to do with meeting the survival need for significance. It helps us to feel stronger when we feel we have been knocked down or put down. It lessens our ability to connect or to have warmth and togetherness with others.

Attachment: This is infatuation. This is the passion for someone or something. It is that sense of need. As long as one has a sense of need, he is wanting. People become obsessed with attachment. It includes anxiety and worry. It causes procrastination. One is so worried that they fail to act.

Greed: This has to do with meeting the survival need for self or significance. We practice greed when we have fear of losing what we have. We need to learn when what we have is enough. Once we have all that we need, anything more is too much. Being afraid of losing what we have, we fail to grow as a human being. We stop growing.

Lust: This is an abnormal demand for anything. We are filling the survival need for significance and ignoring the survival need for love and connection with others.

Vanity: This has to do with the self or ego our sense of significance. It makes us feel better about our self. But it also makes us feel insecure. It distracts us from other people. It keeps us from reaching out to others.

There is a necessity for a sense of self or significance. There is nothing wrong with wanting to feel significant or unique. But these five passions are extreme and put your life out of balance.

The powers of the Universe can bring about anything. We need to learn to be aware of the possibilities. The answer is right before us. The key is to open the mind. We can learn to harness the creative power of the Universe. When we do, we understand the principle of life. We can create our life to be what we want. We must turn on our spiritual light. This is going from ignorance to enlightenment. This is the purpose of life. This is our mission.


Coach Lisa