90 day Challenge

Hey you lovely people! How are you today?

Lisa Yerington life coach here. Introducing:

90 day challenge   90 day challenge    90 day challenge

I am starting a group called B.O.W.E.L. ….

        Bunch of Winners Everyone Loves

What is it?  A group of people who want to get rid of the crap in their lives. And there is a competition. For the time period of 6/7/16 – 9/4/16 go to my facebook page, www.facebook.com/lisaylifecoach and tell us what crap you got rid of.  The top three BOWEL participants will receive a minimum of $100!

Need help? For the 90 day challenge period, I am reducing my fees: general coaching $49/hour, Financial Independence Training $150 and Relationship Acceptance Training $75/hour. For more information leave a message on facebook.

T shirts… what is a movement without t shirts? To get your shirt go to teespring.com/90-day-challenge.

Let’s make this the greatest movement ever! Like my facebook and share! It’s up to you! Let’s do this! #90daychallenge



Lisa Yerington life coach here.

So, are you depressed? Do you feel life is a total burden? Do you hate the whole world? Do you feel so down that you feel better when you are sad than when you are happy? Do you feel alone?

If so, and you want an understanding ear, talk to me. I may be surprisingly understanding.

I have been there. I’m not just saying that. I have had all the symptoms listed above. I have had them all at the same time. But here I am to help other people work through their issues. Why? Because things do work out.

I am not the coach who tries to make people think they  are perfect. I am not the coach that tries to be the person with the perfect life. I am not the coach who tries talks in meaningless  platitudes to be so grossly cheerful. Nope. I am just an every day person who is a good listener.

A coach is a thinking partner. The job of the coach is to listen and guide you to the answer that is already inside you.

Co achieve, co answer. That is my motto.

Depressed or not, I can be your understanding person to talk to. For more information, go to my facebook page:


And hey, if I am not your choice for coach, I understand and wish you well.


It isn’t always how you react.

Hey Lisa Yerington life coach here.

So, have you ever felt down or bad and someone told you other people or things can’t determine how you feel that only you can determine how you feel? In other words, how you feel is your responsibility and not the responsibility of outside influences.

I say that is b.s.!

It is true sometimes, but it is not always true. Sometimes outside influences are so strong that you are wrapped up inside of the situation. Sometimes we have absolutely no control over the situation. That is when we feel desperate and hopeless. Do you ever feel that way? Do you ever feel that you can’t escape this negative situation? If you feel that way and tell someone, do they tell you that you need a positive attitude? Do they tell you to cheer up? How does that make you feel? If you are like me, not great.

If this is happening to you, and you want someone to talk to who will not dismiss your feelings, you can find me at:


Leave me a message.

My motto is co achieve, co answer.

Your problem may seem small in comparison to other people’s problems. Maybe you think you should not complain. But I am here to tell you, if it matters to you, it matters.




Would you like to improve your life?

Hey Lisa Yerington life coach here.

Would you like to improve your life? Would solving your problems help you out right now? Well, you’re in luck because I am looking for 5 select people to work one-on-one with me, a life pro.

What’s your problem?

Do you need general coaching for every day issues?

Do you need financial training to get out of debt and have more money freedom?

Do you need relationship training to improve relationship issues?

What ever your problem is I can help. Not to be bragadociaous or anything, but I am pretty much the best. If you would like help, go to my facebook page and leave a message.



Free coaching!


Lisa Yerington, life coach here.

Drawing for free services:

There will be three winners and the prize is your choice:

3 hours of general coaching: Find answers to your every day issues.      OR

Free FIT ( financial independence training) No debt.  No budget. More money freedom. Don’t be part of the 67% who can not meet a $1,000 emergency.      OR

3 hours of RAT (relationship acceptance training) Reconcile. Accept. Together. Improve any relationship, spouse, parent and child, siblings, friends, co workers.

To enter just like my page: facebook.com/lisaylifecoach

Winners will be selected and posted on June 1, 2016.

If you enter and do not win, I want to offer you a special deal of 25% off  OR

if you are interested in any of my services, in honor of Memorial Day, sign up this month and get 25% off.

For  more information, go to my facebook page and leave a message.




Do you really need months and months of coaching?

Life Coach Lisa Yerington here!


So, you need someone to listen, right? You need someone to help you to find the answer. You have done your research and picked *the one*.

What is the next?

Well, most coaches will give you a free session. They want you to be sure you have chosen wisely. They want the two of you to be a good fit. You decide you are a good fit.

Then what?

They may tell  you that you will need months of help. They may then tell you that what you need to do is to sign up for months of sessions. This is where fees are discussed. The figure is probably reasonable on a session by session rate, but you may be quoted a price for the next 6 months, and that figure is large.

Then what?

Well, when I have had people do that  to me, my first response is to sigh. I feel that that person is pressuring me to pay for services I don’t need. My good feeling about this person just shrank. Part of that feeling is because they tell you the price is going up. Act now or pay more later.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Some people do have complex issues that do need months of sessions. Husbands and wives considering divorce do need 6 months of sessions. Some people have an ongoing issue or concern in their lives that may take months to resolve. But I feel that most issues can be resolved in just a few sessions.

There are a lot of really caring and talented life coaches out there. But I urge you to not sign up for months and months of sessions if you don’t feel you need long term help. Maybe you do, and maybe you don’t.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Wishing you a great day!

If you would like a coach, and would like to see if I am a good fit, I am best reached at facebook.com/lisay-life-coach


Someone Who Understands


Life Coach Lisa Yerington here.

As we go down life’s lonesome highway
Seems the hardest thing to do is to find a friend or two
That helping hand
Some one who understands
That when you feel you’ve lost your way
You’ve got some one there to say I’ll show you

Life is certainly filled with ups and downs. There are times however that you feel alone. There are some things you just can’t share with any of your friends or family.


Maybe it is too embarrassing. Maybe you feel like the only person who has experienced what you are going through. Maybe you are ashamed. Or, maybe you know that none of your friends can relate.

So, when you can’t share it with friends or family, what do you do?

You suffer in silence. You go to a bar and tell the bar tender. Or you turn to someone who will listen and guide you to a place where you feel better.

What you really need it to get it off your chest. Right? That is where a life coach like me comes in. A life coach will show you the way.

You’ve got a friend in me
You’ve got a friend in me
When the road looks rough ahead
And you’re miles and miles from your nice warm bed
You just remember what your old pal said
Boy (Girl?) you’ve got a friend in me
Yeah you’ve got a friend in me

And with me, you don’t have to be embarrassed or ashamed.

So, if you need to have someone to talk to, and neither  friends or family will do, give me a chance to help you through it. I know down times, and I tell you it will work out. From my own experience, letting just one person know what is going on, may be all you need.

If you want to reach out to me, the best way is on facebook: facebook.com/lisay-life-coach







Life Coach Lisa Yerington here

I would really like to interact with you. You can find me at faceook.com/lisay-life-coach


How is your Sunday?

I would like you to close your eyes. Imagine a bunch of river pebbles. Some of them are smooth. Some have more rough areas than others. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes. They come in a variety of colors.

Our lives are like these stones tumbled in the river of experience. We are broken, shaped, smoothed and  etched by each twist and turn. While life can be full of joy and rewards, we will always carry with us the marks of our challenges, transitions and losses.

You are like these beautiful stones polished and smooth, but bearing some marks, however small as evidence of the deeper challenges you have endured. The marks can remind you that you can not live and love without experiencing some transitions. But the polished surfaces can remind you of the promise of healing and the hope of your life ahead.

Everyone goes through tough times. Life is by no means easy. It has good times and bad times. Although it may seem endless, no bad time lasts forever. The best way to get through the tough times is to go through it with a friend. Sometimes, you need a neutral thinking partner.

What is a thinking partner? A thinking partner is someone who listens to you. They listen and ask questions. The two of you co-create the answer that is right for you. Then, they co- create a plan for you to follow.

I know it may be hard to believe, but I have seen many solutions come about by just talking about the situation. No, really, it does. I have seen it in my own life. I guess you could say that it is sort of like two heads are better than one. When you work with a life coach, you are working with a thinking partner. And you friend, are doing most of the talking.

I had a client say to me once that I did more for her in one session than hours of talking to someone else. Why? Because I listened. I did not try to fix the situation. I listened. I asked questions that led to the answer. Isn’t that what you really want?

So, if you want someone to listen, to be your thinking partner, let me know.

Now, I would really like it if you were to go to my face book page: facebook.com/lisay-lifecoach. Why? Because I am going to start a whole bunch of fun things where you can interact and get a few things off your chest. Yep. And soon, very soon, I intend to start offering free samples. Yep. You will be able to get a free session.

Try it! You’ll like it.

OK. Enjoy your day.



Happy Sunday!

Life Coach Lisa Yerington here


Just wishing everyone a very happy Sunday. Anyone else wish it was still Saturday? I do.

So, once again I want to say for those of you who genuinely like this blog I am really glad you like it. I like it too. I have to say I am not very good at the technical stuff. So, I get a lot of comments that are just trash and spam. I changed the settings so I hope that helps.

A note about the comments is that if you really want to comment on it,  great! I want to hear from you. But the only way I can think of to respond to comments is through face book. So, I really wish that if you like this you would like my facebook page: facebook.com/lisay-life-coach, and we can interact there.

I would be happy help a few of you there as well.

I am going into the coaching business to build up people. As I said before my motto is coachieve, coanswer.

I have an endless idea of topics. But if you have anything you would like me to talk about, like my facebook page, and let me know.

OK, well, I am missing the football game, but I wanted to check in with you all. Have a great rest of your Sunday!

To those of you who think this post is boring, hey, this blog has many purposes. Sometimes it is just to chat about nothing except how I want to be of service to others. And I really think that facebook is better than this blog.


Life coach Lisa Yerington


Catch a Wave (and you’re sitting on top of the world)

life coach Lisa Yerington here for more interaction check out facebook.com/lisay-life-coach


How are you? Sorry I missed a couple of days!

So, have you ever had a dream with a large wave coming right toward you? I have. I have always been afraid because I thought I was about to be swept out to sea. But then the dream ends before anything happens.

Well, life can be like that. The wave represents that which we feel is blocking us from our goals. It represents the reasons to not take action.


What is your move when faced with a wave? Are you feeling resistance, doubt or uncertainty? That’s normal. Wanting change or going in a new direction can be very scary. Committing to anything is daunting. You worry about losing everything. Or, you feel that you will do serious damage to the life you have. You are afraid of losing all the ways you have made your life comfortable and safe. When I dream about this big wave, I often run down the beach trying to get away. Yikes!

But really one should not be afraid of the wave. When facing a wave one can go over it, under it, and end up in a big open ocean. Or we can ride it to shore. So the question is are you going to back away from the wave or are you going to conquer it? Is that what you are doing?


I think the best thing to do is ride it to shore.  That is, move forward on the path to the life you really want to have. If you are sitting there thinking of all the reasons you have not to act, then I say stop resisting. Get out there and ride the wave to your dreams.


Are you backing down from the wave? Or are you ready to step up to the challenge and get what you want.

If you want a life coach to get you on that wave, to ride that wave,  let me know.

Surf’s up!