The Dollar Challenge

Ask someone you know for a dollar investment in you. This is your spark. Once you do this you realize the power of starting and the simplicity of life improvement.
In exchange, they will get regular updates and a front-row seat to the process of building up you and your life. You will ask this of family, friends, colleagues. This is an oh Sh** moment, but it will get your heart racing in a good way. It brings excitement. You are really doing it. It is official. You are committed to the process.
What to say: Hey, I am working with a life coach and she told me I need to get $1 from someone. You’re the first person I thought of, and it would mean a lot to have your support.
“Do the thing that you fear, and the death of the fear is certain”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
If you would like to know more about the help I offer, go here:

Stop comparing yourself to other people

Pro tip:
Stop comparing yourself to other people. When you do this, you will feel that you have fallen short as a person. This eats at you and you give up. Don’t base your opinion of yourself or your self-worth on your struggle with depression. Your self-worth as a person is not based on how you deal with life stress. You are a worthy person. You have value. I know you struggle with that idea. I did too. You have assets, good qualities. You do.
Rather, define yourself by the things you do each day to work on getting depression under control. It is a process. When you do this, you will get where you want to be quicker and more joyfully than measuring yourself against others.
We all do the best we can with the tools we have in our toolbox. You are currently using depression. With my guidance, you can develop a better tool. I did. For guidance options:

Make a contract for change

I have a challenge for you. I want you to commit right now to the process of getting depression under control. I want you to be successful and create a contract. Promise yourself to take the steps to end your struggle with depression. This is the time to create your dream life. This contract will get you excited for the future and provide motivation. There is something magical in making an oath or pledge. It makes it more official.


I, _____________, commit to working toward my dream of getting depression under control and having fun throughout the experience, facing my fears, and taking every step toward success.

My dream outcome is:____________________________________________.



For assistance in getting the guidance to get better, go here:

There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth…not going all the way, and not starting. —Buddha

I know how hard it can be to not start. Therapy and self-discovery can be scary. But once you get started it can be both fun and easy. When I took my first steps to getting depression under control, I got really excited because I knew that I was on the right path. People are looking for the easy tip to help, but that just does not exist. But therapy does help. I offer a variety of courses and a newsletter that can help. You can find information here

start and go all the way

There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth…not going all the way, and not starting. —Buddha
I know how hard it can be to not start. Therapy and self-discovery can be scary. But once you get started it can be both fun and easy. When I took my first steps to getting depression under control, I got really excited because I knew that I was on the right path. People are looking for the easy tip to help, but that just does not exist. But therapy does help. I offer a variety of courses and a newsletter that can help. You can find information here

Bipolar and the vanishing twin


Have you ever heard of the Vanishing Twin? When a woman is carrying twins, sometimes one body dies and the souls merge. It is not two souls in one body. Half of each soul becomes a united single soul. I actually know someone who said this was her story.

This is how some people have dual personalities. Each soul has a personality. Sometimes soul A is in control of the mind and sometimes soul B is in control of the mind. What is needed is to have the mind become of one mind so to speak. This can be done through spiritual healing. Hypnosis and meditation can help.

Depression is not unpredictable or sudden


ANSWER: Because you start out slowly. It builds up, and then one day you just notice it. I do want to say that if you are talking about depression or anxiety you are not talking about mental illness. Very few people have actually mental illness.

When you understand what is going on, it is not really unpredictable. It really is quite predictable. If it seems sudden, you have gotten to a point where you have ramped up the use of certain actions to fill a need or meet a goal.

Think of drug use. People will use a little of a drug to get high. As time goes on, you need more and more to get high. This is the same for things like anxiety, depression, OCD, ADD. You need to use them more and more to get the desired result. People do not suddenly have a drug problem. They started out slowly and the need and use of drugs grew.

I did depression for nearly 40 years. I created a system and now I have it under control. I offer this system, Come Into Your Power and another program Depression Ditchers. The question I have is what is it worth to you to get your life back? What is it worth to you to have your mental health in top shape?

Make transformation fun

People think they can’t change. People get stuck in a cycle of starting and trying. It is all one big experiment. But you need to experiment to find the answer. With the proper guidance, you will have better luck finding the answer as long as you put in the effort.

Changing or transforming is not about will-power or self-discipline. No one is going to nag, scold, or intimidate you into changing who you are and how you live your life. My approach was to have fun. When you make it fun, you get over the fear.

So have some fun. Don’t struggle. Learn about you. Play with ideas. Explore options. Try things you have not tried before. Free up your imagination for the right answer or approach for you to meet your needs on a higher level, an empowering level.

You can find me and my help here:


Courage is starting and trying ideas. It is easy to think of “scary” things that became not so scary as soon as you tried them. Remember the first time you tried to ride a bike? Hold your breath under water? Climb a tree? Walk? It was all trial and error. There were days when we weren’t afraid to leap into the mud and dirty up our hands. These were the days we learned the fastest and had the most fun. Leaping is what matters. We sometimes have to leap in spite of our fears. This is when successful creation eventually follows. Just take small steps, and you will climb the ladder to your success.

Your thoughts Vs your feelings

Thoughts are the shadows of our feelings– always darker, emptier and simpler–Friedrich Nietssche
I know that when I did depression my thoughts were all over the place. My mind would race from topic to topic and then back again. Some people call that ADD, To me, it is just a mind with too much on it. The thoughts need to be sorted, unraveled. Once you think clearly, your life, your situation is not as bad as it seems. All you have to do is start talking. You don’t have to make sense. You just have to talk. As you talk, you start to make sense. Clearing your mind of a lot of confusion is a big step toward ditching depression. What else did I do? I followed the steps in my Come Into Your Power course. It is currently $50. I also have a longer course Depression Ditchers. You can find them here:

Quiet the mind and the soul will speak.

Quiet the mind and the soul will speak.

One of the reasons people struggle with depression is because their mind is filled with a lot of clutter. It is going multiple directions at once and it is going very fast.

One thing that will help is to do meditation/hypnosis. I do this every day. I relax my body. I raise my energy. I quiet my mind. Just let the thoughts flow. They flow in and out. You breathe in and allow the thought to enter. You breathe out and let it go. This clears your mind so that you can think clearly. For me, I believe that this should be your first step toward getting better. It not only clears the mind of clutter it also helps you listen to your soul, your inner self. It points you in the direction you need to go for transformation. I do offer a hypnosis course. You can find this and other courses here: