Don’t give up

Lesson from a little league team:

These little guys (and gals) played the hand that was dealt to them and they WON!! In the beginning, they had all 9 players, but a few of them needed to leave for another team/tournament at half time… Knowing this was coming, the coach gave us parents the choice to forfeit before the game even started. The majority agreed to PLAY and we SHOWED UP!! The coach knew what he had to do, pushing our team hard in the 1st half to get the score up 3-1. The entire 2nd half consisted of strong defense and we we shut them out, ending the game 3-1. The other team was strong and they out numbered us… they just couldn’t break through our defense and score. To be honest, even if they would’ve killed us 12 to 3, I wouldn’t have changed a thing. There are no guarantees in life, all we can do is show up and do our best. NEVER back down from a challenge and NEVER give up!!

Depression freedom

How did I control depression? I took the steps outlined in a simple system that I learned as I studied how to be a life coach. In the first questions, I learned why I was doing it. That changed everything. It was exciting. I use this information every day for my continued self-improvement. I want this for you as well. I want you to get better day after day until you find freedom from the chains of depression


You can YELL from a rooftop: “Hey you I can help you!” And nothing happens. Why? Because no one knows you are talking to them. It isn’t personal.

What is better? Whisper. “You who are going through something right now. You are feeling like this and that. Right? You are feeling alone. You feel the weight of the world on you. I got you. Come here. Sit. Let me be with you until you feel calm and clear headed. Breathe. Don’t fear I am always ready to be by your side.”

Clean the closet

I cleaned out my closet this week.

Sounds unexciting, right?

Wrong. It was very exciting because in sorting through clothes I hadn’t worn in over a year, I experienced a mind-blowing revelation:

If it doesn’t work for you, don’t keep it.

We’ve all heard that old saying that “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

I realized I’d been practicing a little insanity by hanging on to my old clothes that didn’t make me feel good because, in the back of my mind, I hoped that one day I’d put them on and NOT feel frumpy and uncomfortable.

That experience in my closet really made me think: How often do we hold on to thoughts/ideas/beliefs/habits that aren’t serving us… in hopes that “someday” they will?

Why not just ditch those old clothes thoughts/ideas/beliefs/habits that don’t work and put on new ones that do work?

Why live?

What was told to me today: “I have depression. There is no one to help me. Why should I live?”

This broke my heart. But I can relate. I did depression for nearly 40 years. You want help, but you feel alone. You can’t get the people you know to help. You feel lost. You feel hopeless. I did some very simple actions and got my depression under control. I have a system and it is only $20. What do you have to lose by trying? What do you have to gain by trying? Your life. for course options.

Don’t cope with depression

I was asked:What are your favorite coping skills for depression?

The answer: You don’t cope. You fix it. You replace depression with another response to life issues.

Let me ask you this. Would you rather cope with depression for the rest of your life or would you rather take control over depression?

I used my studies to become a life coach my training to help me. In the first few steps, I felt hopeful for the first time in all those years.

My struggle changed to taking control.

I know people who do depression often want simple tips. But you don’t really want to cope do you? You want more. I want you to have more. The system I used is simple. Sure, it takes some effort, but worth it. I did it and so can you.

If only I could

Fill in the blank: If only I could _________.

For lets say 37 years, my answer to that was stop struggling with depression. It is a burden. It is crippling. It is isolating. But then again it can be comforting. So it may be hard for people to make the effort to even try to control depression. They don’t want to leave their comfort zone. When I trained to be a life coach, I went through the very simple system to get better, and I felt relief at once. Answering the first questions, I understood my why, and everything changed. You can change too. Two depression courses are available: Come Into Your Power or Depression Ditchers. I also recommend the Hypnosis course. Find them here:

Confused Thinking

When I was doing depression, one of the issues I had was confused thinking. My mind would go in 5 different directions at once. I would also overthink. What if? What if? What if? It was exhausting. What helped was to just start talking. Whatever was on my mind, I just let it out. I would start one subject and change to another. Back and forth. But you know what in time I started to make sense. I would keep on track and finish a thought. Once I got all those mixed up thoughts cleared up, I was able to get better. I did it with a very simple system, Come Into Your Power, and you can too. There are other options.

Comfort in depression

I know that when I was struggling with depression I felt comfort in it. That was a reason that it was hard to take the steps to ditch depression. Depression was familiar. I did not want to bring uncertainty to my life. But you know what, to have control over depression is better. I no longer feel crippled by it. I can be my true and authentic self. I no longer hide who I am. Live large.

Interested in help?

Depression is not mental illness

Depression is not a mental illness.

I know a lot of people think that it is, but it isn’t. It is a tool that one uses to cope with life. It is a habit. It fills a need. It has a role to play in your life.

I used it for decades. Then, I studied to become a life coach. As I learned the lessons of how to help others, I helped myself. I figured out why I did it. And that was the biggest part of getting me on the path to change. I understood me for the first time. I knew why I struggled with depression. I also learned that I could develop a new and improved response for when I had a need to cope with life. This is a response that is on the ready for when I need it. I created a new habit. Life is a lot better.