Glass house… don’t throw stones.

It is interesting to me when it is hard for people to see their own faults.

People are quick to see actions others do that is not “Godly”, but can’t seem to see it in their own self. Somehow when we do something as an individual it is on a small scale so it seems insignificant.

Things I have seen:

A person desperately depressed and going down hill fast. This person reaching out to the people this person knows and letting them know how bad off this person really is and nothing. There was no response. Not one person even attempted to console.

A person trying to start a business. Seeking the help of the people this person knows to spread the word. This person was so confident it would happen. But even after several attempts to get cooperation from the people this person  knows there was no support. Not one person was willing to help.

A person who went out of their way to help others to have their dream come true. This person made the mistake of lending money. And now the payments only trickle back. This person  is now hurting financially, and no one goes out of their way to catch up on the payments. One person just lives on what money was left over.


Were the people who did not console, did not support or did not make the loan payments Godly? I say not. If your family or friends need help and you do nothing, I say that is not Godly.

If you look the other way to a stranger in need, that is not Godly, but there is only so many you can help. That is understandable. But when it is family or a friend and you don’t do even the minimal that you can do to help, that is different.

A Godly person would  console the person who was down and out.

A Godly person would have helped the person spread the news about their business.

A Godly person would go out of their way to honor an agreement.

Glass house.

If you live in a glass house, don’t throw rocks. Who have you ignored? Who needed you and you were not there? Who did you let cry? Who did you let sink? Whose hand did you not hold? Who did you give up on? If you did this just once, you were not “Godly”.

None of us are without sin.

None of us are perfect. We all make mistakes. We are all doing the best that we can. We all overlook the need in society. Or more, we can’t help society as a whole. But we can help our family, friends and neighbors. When we see that other person needs a hand up, if we can, we must.

We can’t let the people in our lives struggle. We may not always do much. But you can always console someone, be supportive, or be considerate and kind.

Be aware. The need is not always so obvious. Look for the signs that someone needs help even if they are not saying they need help.

Answer. If someone asks for help, don’t look away. Don’t wait for someone else to to help. If nothing else listen, be supportive and console.

Get help. If someone needs help, and you can only do so much, help them to find someone who can do more than you. I think that it is best to not worry about the world as a whole. We need to take care of our piece of it. If we all take care of helping our friends, family and neighbors, then the world will be taken care of.

To do otherwise is not being “Godly”.

We all miss the opportunity to help. We all do the best we can.

