Two Clients


I wanted to share some feedback I have received.


Kathleen was a  woman I helped in 2013. We have kept in touch over the years. Friday night I heard from her, and this is a highlight of what she said:

“One time, you sat me down and told me that I set the tone for the whole office. I’ve been running a summer camp and  can see my mood affecting the employees and the kids too. You were really right so I remembered it today. … you had some wise gems. … Thank you for your kind words. I used to think I did a terrible job at everything. … You were good to me and I enjoyed working with you. I consider you a friend. I wish I had been happier and more mature at that time of my life but hey I wasn’t.”

Kathleen was 25 at the time. She was one of the most amazing women I have ever met. Right out of college she became an office manager and had to organize and manage the cleaning jobs of 22 house cleaners. She was the model of efficiency. Phone skills, computer skills and customer service she excelled. She is bi lingual which came in handy working with mostly Mexican women few of which spoke much English. To top it off, when she had a better way of streamlining the way the office ran she took it upon herself to change the entire office system over. Even her last two weeks on the job, (she moved away) she made sure everything was in perfect condition before she left.

She is intelligent, charming, charismatic, and uplifting. She is very fun. Why she was beating her self up was baffling.  This incredible woman had such low self-esteem. So, we worked on that. We got her to allow herself to let the past go and stop defining herself by her relationship status. One of the things we did was to get her out of a very bad relationship. We worked on her motivators. When we uncovered what was truly important to her, she could see the amazing person she really is.

Today, she is well adjusted. She now accepts that she is an amazing person. She is happy now, and thriving in a new environment. Way to go Kathleen! I am so happy for you. And it pleases me so much that she still remembers the things I said to her years ago.


Jo is a new client. We have only had two meetings. Jo is very sad and overwhelmed with life. She is 44. She is single. She is very sensitive and shy. She has few friends and no family to turn to for help.

She reached out to her few friends, but they don’t respond. She said to me it is like shouting into a canyon and not hearing an echo. “It is like my voice gets lost in space.” 

My heart goes out to this woman. She is one of those who is so kind to others, but seems somewhat invisible to them. It is hard for her to understand why no one responds to her need of an ear to listen and a shoulder to lean on. Not knowing which way to turn, she reached out to me.

So far, she has mostly just talked and I listened. But what she said to me I want to share:

“I really appreciate just having someone to listen. It clears my head, and I don’t feel so bad. I used to feel like Atlas holding up the world, and now I have released that burden and now sit on top enjoying the view. It isn’t that I am on top of the world happy, but I able to see opportunities. I still have a long way to go, but I feel hopeful.”

What a turn around in only two sessions. This is what happens when you learn what motivates you. Everything becomes so clear. Jo is not happy by any means, but now she has a better idea of what makes her so unhappy. She has learned to let go of the burdens she does not need to have.

You can’t lose pain over night. Pain such as Jo and Kathleen had grew over many years. You can remove that which causes the pain, but you still need to heal. It is sort of like surgery. You remove what ails you, but the pain lingers for awhile.

I look forward to helping Jo heal and get better.

So, I just wanted to share this with you. To know that you said some small thing to someone like I did with Kathleen that it made a big impression with them makes one feel very good. I don’t even remember saying what I said. And that is how it is with helping others. You can say one simple thing and it can change a life.

