Are you being true to yourself?

Are you being true to yourself?

When we let our values slide, we are not being true to ourselves. We are not valuing our own self. How? Well, we are minimizing our own value. We are short changing ourselves. We are not living up to the full potential of who we are a person.

What are your values? 

You have some general idea no doubt of the person you are. But can you really define your values. Before you can be true to your self you need to have a refresher course on what your values are.

Make a list of three things in each of the following topics:

Family. Friends. Health. Romantic relationships.  Sex. Spirituality. Work.

Are you being true to them?

It isn’t always easy to stick up to your values. Sometimes sticking up to your values goes against the the crowd. Sometimes sticking up to your values takes a lot of time and energy. Sometimes we just get so wrapped up in every day life we forget what our  values are.

When we are not true to out values, we get nervous. We feel out of sorts. We feel we are not living life to its true potential. We feel something is missing.

Living up to your values helps the world.

When we are our best selves, that ripples through society as a whole. It used to be said that when we help others we help ourselves. But that is old school. The new awareness is that by being better people we help others.  By living our values, we are better people. As better people, our actions put into the world that goodness. And it spreads.

By living up to our standards, we raise the standards and values of mankind.

We don’t improve mankind by yelling at one another. We don’t improve mankind by protests. We don’t improve mankind by putting others down. We do it by building up our goodness, and let it catch on. And it will.

Are you being true to yourself?

Sometimes looking at oneself is hard. We are afraid to see our short comings. We don’t want to see where we are failing ourselves.

But… if done right, it is actually invigorating. It is exciting. When I do it, I get those *aha* moments and I know what is dragging me down. I can see what is getting in my way of happiness and peace. Look, we all need to do this. I encourage you to take the time to write down the three things of each category above. What is it you are doing well, and what needs work?

And maybe do this with a trusted friend. Sometimes we need someone who can point out what we are be honest with ourselves and what we are not being honest and true about ourselves.

And if you find out you are not perfect, don’t worry. No one is.

