Day 10

So, a main difference between a life coach and other counselors is the focus. We don’t look into the past unless it is absolutely relevant to the here and now.

We don’t focus on past experiences to determine future experiences. We don’t look back at childhood. We don’t look back at the last 30 or 40 years.

You may have tried to do certain things in the past and did not succeed in accomplishing your goal. Or maybe you started something and did not finish. In the past, you may not have succeeded or finished because you did not understand your motivators. Or maybe something else became a priority. Then, by the time you got back to it, you lost momentum and it was hard to start up again.

We all do that.

Sometimes things are not gong as we had planned. Maybe it is harder than we thought. Maybe it isn’t fun anymore. Maybe we don’t get results and give up.

Here is what I say.

Forget about the past. Start again. Work on improvement. As I said before, you don’t have to do everything all at once. Take baby steps if you have to. Once you get momentum going and some success your enthusiasm and confidence will grow. You will get past your comfortable way of doing things, your old habitual way of meeting your goals, and you will get into your new way of meeting your goals. And before you know it this new habit will feel very comfortable. You will become accustomed to meeting needs on a higher level.

Here is to new habits!
