Day 6


Today is day 6 of the 30 day transformation plan.

Keep going.

Trying to do something new can be hard. Trying to do things differently than you did before can be hard. One minute it seems all is going well, and the next it seems so hard you wonder why you even bother. It would be so much easier to just stop.

I am thinking about riding a bicycle. It is tricky at first. You have to keep your balance. You have to ride at some minimum rate of speed to keep from tipping over. You start out with training wheels. At first you like the training wheels because they keep you from tipping over. When I was a kid with training wheels on my bike, we had a dirt driveway. At the end of the driveway was a pot hole. I used to position my bike just so and my back tire was situated somehow so that I could pedal and not go anywhere. I used to think that was great fun.

There comes a time when you don’t want your training wheels anymore. You aren’t a baby for goodness sake. When your dad comes out with the screwdriver and takes off the training wheels, that is a great feeling.

Learning to do just about anything is the same. You are out of your comfort zone. It is exciting at first. You are on a new adventure. It is sort of like dad took the training wheels off your bike and you can now explore a whole new world. But sometimes you get stuck. You may feel like you are spinning your wheels in the pot hole at the end of your comfort zone and going nowhere. But unlike when I got my bike stuck in the pot hole (which I did purposely for the fun of it) spinning your wheels in a pot hole is not fun. It is actually frustrating. You get tired trying to get going again.

You ask your self why you are doing this. It isn’t fun anymore. I don’t want to anymore. My life is just fine without this. I should just go back to where I was. Comfortable.

Well, you most certainly can do that. You can go back to your comfort zone. And if you really have learned to hate whatever it is you are trying to do that may be the answer for you. There is nothing wrong with that.

But if the quality of your life can be better by pushing through the tough times then I say keep going. The question is whether or not the rewards of pushing through are greater than not continuing. That is, are the rewards of pushing though greater than what you have if you stay in your comfort zone? For some of you, this may not be much of a question. Where you are is not good. You need to get out of your situation. You need a change.

My suggestion to you is don’t do it alone. Don’t struggle to get through the challenge alone. Share your goals and ambition with at least one other person. But make sure that person is supportive. And don’t let any past failures stop you from trying.

Just like learning to ride a bicycle, start with training wheels. Sooner or later you will get comfortable in the new zone, and you can take the training wheels off. And then you will be ready to take the next step into a new zone if you like.

