Dark despair

To learn that you have been deceived that dark despair.

The darker pain to learn of it and find you no longer care.

Don’t let this be you! Lisa Yerington life coach here! If you feel alone, if you feel you have no hope, talk to me.

I am here.

Even if you have no one else, you have me. I will listen.

No, I don’t have a magic wand. I can’t magically make your problems go away.

But what I can do is give you perspective. Sometimes we get so wrapped in our situation, we can’t see clearly. We can’t  see hope anymore. What is next? Despair starts to develop.

What a coach can do is look into your life from the outside. It is actually easier  to help others with their problems. Coaches can see the situation clearly and guide you to see it clearly also.

If you feel down, sad and lonely, find a coach. Find someone before the despair sets in.

Take Care!

Just in case… I have a group I call B.O.W.E.L. (Bunch of Winners Everyone Loves) and a 90 day challenge to see how much crap we can get out of people’s lives. The top 3 will get $100! If you want help:
