Dad’s work

So a few days ago I did a post for moms. Today it is for dads.

I don’t know about you, but I think that the role of dad as nurturer has long been minimized. I think it has a lot to do with how you dads show your nurturing. It isn’t quite as obvious as how moms do it.

My dad did it by encouraging me to make my own decisions. He did it by giving me a part time job. He did it by showing me how to do small home repair things like rewiring outlets. He did it by showing me how to change a tire. He did it by teaching me how to make the perfect martini. He did it by showing me how to barbecue a steak. He did it by encouraging me too learn computers back in 1981 or 1982. (I thought he was nuts. I would never use that computer knowledge). Pop, he told me how to act on a date. He gave me the man’s point of view. He taught me to look people in the eye.

You get the idea.

Dads they are the fun ones. They are the ones that each you to ride a bike. My pop tried to teach me basketball. He tried to teach me tennis. We did play racquetball  He taught me to play pool. He taught me how to fish. He took me for rides on a motorcycle. He used to put me on his shoulders and we would go what seemed to be very far into the ocean. He taught me about rip tides too.

Dads, they see their role as the providers and protectors. But they are so much more.

So, dear dads, thank you for all you do. You can’t fool us. No matter how strong you are, you still nurture your children. You give your children tools for life. You give them direction. But you let them stumble and fall. But you give them a hand up too.

You know, they aren’t perfect. Just remember, they do the best they can.

My pop is in Heaven now. I cry right now missing him. Pop, thank you for being my pop.

Lisa Y. life coach