The Sumo wrestler stance, a firm foundation


Quick post here.

Have you ever wondered why a Sumo wrestler makes the stance he does? You know the one. He comes out he raises one leg and stomps it to the ground. He raises the other leg up and stomps it to the ground. His knees are bent. He looks ready to sit down.

Why does he do that? It is more than just a position to be in to be ready to wrestle. It is a psychological thing.

It is becoming one with the Earth. It is planting ones feet squarely on the ground. They bring into them the power of Earth to give them strength. It gives them mental strength.

Think about it. They could just come out to wrestle and get in that ready stance without the ceremony of it all. They don’t have to raise their legs and stomp the ground first. But they do that in order to get a firm foundation.

A firm foundation is important. Without it, there is weakness on what ever you are building.

So, next time you want to feel powerful think about that Sumo wrestler. Raise your legs and stomp them into the ground as if you are planting yourself there. Give it half a chance, and I think you will actually feel stronger. Give yourself a firm foundation to meet the challenge what ever it may be.