Happy Birthday…Happy New Year!

Hey Boss!~

So, I want to get right to it. Today is my birthday! Yeah!

Happy New Year!

I want to share with you my tradition. Unlike most everyone else, I make my “New Year” resolutions on my birthday instead of for January 1st. Why? Well, because it is my new year.

My resolutions. 

My resolutions are to help, truly help, 52 people this year. Help. I love to give safety and helpful tips. I love to give inspiration, no matter how small. I love to give words of encouragement. I love to give friendship and hope. But I am here to transform lives. It is my resolution to help 52 people answer that burning question. Get on the right path and stay there until the end goal is met.

I knew when I was 4 years old that this was my calling. So, that is why I am here. I am here to give gifts to the world. I want to be a friend to those who need change. I want to be a friend to those in pain. I want to be a friend to those who are sad or even depressed. I want to be a friend to those who are alone. I want to be a friend to those who have ruined or who have a relationship of any sort with someone who has turned their life upside down because of drugs or alcohol I also want to be a friend to someone who wants to share good news.

If you want to help me to meet my goals, start by messaging me here www.facebook.com/lisaylifecoach


So, today is my birthday. So, I may not be working much today. My sister lives 2 hours away, and she and her husband are taking me out to the casino! Yeah! That is gift enough, but I know she has some other gift. No matter how many times I tell her no gifts she still does it. Oh well, I still love her and she loves me.

Normally, I have you smile for me, but it’s  my birthday so wish me luck at the casino. Thanks.

Lisa Y life coaching