Mindfulness class!


So, for 30 years now I have been a practitioner of  mindfulness. When I started, it was not very well known. But we are becoming more and more enlightened and spiritual. As a life coach, I like to build up people. I want to build them up mind, body, and soul. So, with that in mind, I would like to offer a free class on mindfulness. So here it goes!


In the Western world, we are not as advanced as the Eastern world when it comes to being in tune with our self. We are so busy being on our phones, computers, and playing video games, we have lost touch with our own self. So many people can’t seem to get through the day without constantly being stimulated by something else. We have music and television on our phones. We watch endless videos. You can’t even take a Sunday drive anymore without some driver getting upset because you are driving the speed limit.

Some people think of meditation to be a chore. They don’t even want to spend 10 minutes doing it. They have so many other things to do. Who has the time they ask? But for me, it is the best time I spend every day. I used to spend 5-6 hours on Sundays in meditation. Yep! You read that right 5-6 hours. I smile just thinking about it.

I don’t expect anyone to do that, but I do hope that you will find at least 20 minutes a day in meditation.

When you learn mindfulness, you will find you have more time. You will get more out of life. You will learn to get back to basics and appreciate quite times.

Try it! You’ll like it!

More time

We divide our day into sections of time. We have our work time. We have eating time. We have computer time. We have sleep time. We have house cleaning time. We have yard work time. We have football time. We have time for our spouse. We have time for the kids. What is not spent on all these other things is “our” time. This is the time to do what we want, which always seems in short supply.

By dividing our time this way, we make the day very short, don’t we? There never seems to be enough of it. There are never enough hours in the day. And by the end of the day we are exhausted. Our minds are so tired. When we go to bed, our minds seem to want to keep going as if they are catching up on the events of the fast paced day that finally ended.

What if all time was “your” time? What if time were not divided at all? It would seem like you have more, wouldn’t it? No matter what you are doing you need to think of it as your time, and this is how I am spending it right now. You live in the moment. Helping the children with their homework, waking the dog, washing the car, standing in line at the bank is all your time. The key is to be interested in what you are doing. Stop looking at your phone. Stop multi-tasking. Do one thing at a time. Pay attention to the activity. What will you find? You will find that your time is unlimited. It is all yours.

Washing the car

Let us assume for a moment that you actually wash your car at home rather than at a car wash. Imagine it is a Saturday afternoon. This is your day to get things done around the house. That big mini van is dirty. So you tell yourself I will quickly wash the van then I will have a beer. But if this is your plan, what are you thinking about while you are washing the van? You are thinking about getting to that beer. Washing the van is “washing the van” time. Drinking the beer is your “relax a bit” time. Which sounds more pleasant? Drinking the beer of course. Washing the van is time spent in a way you don’t enjoy. But what if you did?

To practice mindfulness, when you are washing that van, live in the moment. Be aware of what it is you are doing. Don’t live in the future of drinking that beer. Live in the present of washing the van. What happens when you live in the present? You don’t lose time. If, while washing the van all you think about is the beer, you are losing all the time you are spending washing the van. If you live in the moment, and focus on the van, you are cherishing that time and not losing it.

While washing the van be yourself. Slow down your breath. Be aware of your breathing. Breathing is something we do without thinking, but think about it a little. It is very calming. Being aware of your breathing helps you to live in the present. If it helps, think of the movie “Karate Kid”. Wipe on. Wipe off.

Let me know how you did.

So, I would like to hear how you did on your first lesson of mindfulness. Leave me a message. www.facebook.com/lisaylifecoach


Lisa Y coaching