Happy Labor Day

Happy Labor Day~

Praise to those who work today

I hope you are enjoying your Labor Day! I want to take a moment to say a special thank you to those who do not get the day off. All the doctors, nurses, police, fire fighters etc. who serve the community and can’t take the day off thank you! All the retail clerks, amusement park employees, restaurant employees who work today thank you!   I have been there. I used to work on holidays. It makes you feel left out. When everyone else is having a BBQ, picnic, a day at the beach or any number of fun things, it can be hard to work. But here I am taking this Labor Day to reach out to you. To all who work today, remember, you are a good person who works hard to make a living, and I salute you! So, I am working today too. It isn’t the same, but I am working some.

Working together

To me, Labor Day is a day to celebrate all of us working together to build up a nation. It takes all sorts of jobs to make a nation great. Labor Day may have started to recognize blue collar workers, but I think we need to honor all jobs today. It takes blue collar workers, and white collar workers to make it all come together. Some work physically. Some work mentally.

I used to own a domestic referral agency. My company got work for domestic workers. Our specialty was finding work for people who cleaned houses. It took both sides to make it a success. Without good workers, there would not be satisfied customers. But without the office administration employees, there would not be any customers.

Respect all

All jobs are hard. I have never worked at a fast food restaurant, but I still have respect for those who do. They are working hard. I have worked in retail and in dry cleaning stores. In retail you do the work of three people. Working in an office, is hard too. It may sound easy, but it takes a lot of coordination to make sure everything gets done.

The point is no matter what sort of work people do let us try to respect one another. It takes all sorts of skills to make sure the community has everything it needs to prosper.

Business owners are people too

I have become sort of an expert on the local business scene. I know what the value of a lot of small businesses is. If you don’t own a small business, you may not appreciate what it is all about.

It takes a lot to own a business. Most people who own a small business are not rich. Actually, most of them take out a loan to get their business going. It can take several years to get out of that debt. There are a lot of risks owning a business. It is the business owners responsibility to keep the sales up and growing. They have to take care of the employees first.  Owning a business is not a “9-5” job. It becomes a lifestyle. It is a business owners responsibility all the time.

You may think they make a lot of money, but many small business owners really just barely make a living. As much as many business owners want to do everything they can to take care of their employees, sometimes employee  demands are too much for them. Many small businesses are doing the best they can. They can’t always afford to give more vacation or sick pay. Holding a job position open for mothers and fathers to take leave to tend to a new born may be a hardship for a small company. You do deserve those things, but just know that it may be a hardship on the business owner.

Remember, small business owners are people too. They are working hard to take care of their family. Many are just making it, and they have a lot of responsibilities the employees do not have. A business owner’s day is not over at the end of the work day.

Grateful for the job

Here is one last thought. If you have a job, be grateful. It may not be your ideal job. It may not pay as much as you would like. Maybe it does not provide all the benefits you would like. But it is better to have some sort of job than nothing. Never take a job for granted. You never know when the tide will change and that job is eliminated.

Have a great day!

My wishes are that you have a great day! If you worked today or not, make the most of it.

Take Care!


Hey, tell me about your day. www.facebook.com/lisaylifecoach

Lisa Y,  coaching