Breakable and makeable are habits.


So, I want to talk to you today about habits.

Habits are simple.

Habits are a really easy and basic thing. A lot of people think that a bad habit is hard to break. That is not so. Think of a habit as a trend in your life. If you have a habit to break, there are two simple things to do.

Understanding the habit.

One, you need to understand the reason behind it. What need is being met? And two, you need to replace it by starting a new habit that meets that need on a higher level. It’s that simple.

The reason behind it.

What is the reason behind it? Well, this is an individual thing. You know the answer, but it is something that needs to be uncovered. A few minutes with someone who knows what to ask, can uncover this need.

Out with the old in with the new.

When the old habit does not meet your need anymore, you will quit the old habit. Replacing that habit is also simple. It is possible for anyone to change a trend of his life by making it an active part of his consciousness in daily experience until it becomes a habit every moment of the day, instead of an occasional thought.

Example one:

I recently discovered a word I think is fun. I wanted to incorporate it into my life. So, I consciously started to use it. Within a couple of weeks, this word is now a natural part of my vocabulary.

Example two:

I am 52 years old. I love animals. It has bothered me for so long to eat meat. I have felt like a hypocrite saying I love animals, but eat them. I have wanted to be a vegetarian for years. What stopped me? I did not think I could easily get my proteins. Just the other day I saw a story on how to get your proteins. It became simple. So, on Sunday, I stopped eating meat. Yep! Just like that I stopped eating meat.

Look, eating meat was a life-time habit. I love meat. But I have quit. I find it easy and rewarding to not eat it anymore.

What ever habit, addiction, you want to break, you can. And you can make a new habit.

Need help? Let me know.


Smile for me.

Lisa Y coaching