Someone I helped


How are you lovely people? Doing well I hope.

So, I wanted to share a story with you.

The family secret

In a nice, upper middle class neighborhood is a family. She is a school teacher he is a police officer. They have a grown son in his 30s. He has had difficulties with drugs since he was 19. He has been in and out trouble with the law, and in and out of jail.

The husband and wife don’t discuss it. They sweep it under the rug. It is as if  the situation does not even exist. I think it is especially hard on a police officer to have a son getting is so much trouble with the law. As a school teacher, she feels she should have been able to handle this better. As a police officer, he deals with people like his son all day long, and all he can do is ask, why my son?

He talks about it with one buddy. She does not talk about it with anyone. She does not talk to her mother or siblings. They don’t know much of anything. They don’t ask. She does not talk to friends. But she has talked to me.

It happens to everyone.

“It isn’t something you brag about.” That is what she told me. She has kept this secret because it is so embarrassing. Two parents think they have failed. They were not “that kind” of family. If you did not know them, and only heard their story you would think they were some sort of riff raff. Or maybe they were bad parents. You may think they were not around for the son. But nothing could be farther from the truth. This happens to everyone. It can happen to any family from anywhere. Another story I could tell is about a young 30 something young woman who if from one of the most exclusive areas in Orange County, CA.

 A burden on the family.

This has been a terrible burden on the family. These people have two other sons. These young men are outstanding. They are both good and decent. They are both good husbands and fathers.

I listen.

The mother felt so alone. She suffered in silence for years. Until the day we first  talked. We don’t talk much. We do it from time to time. When things get worse, she needs a release. It is still hard for her to talk about it. I don’t force it. But I listen. And sometimes, that is all one can do.

 Have a secret? Feel alone?

If you feel alone, and just have no one else to talk to, I am here. You can think about things all day long, and get no where with it. But talk to someone for 45 – 50 minutes, and you get it off your chest. You clear your mind. A feeling of relief comes over you. You breathe again.

This is why I do what I do.

Want to talk? Let me know. or

OK then, until next time.  Smile for me.


Lisa Y. life coach