The fear of starting


I know that what keeps people with Depression from getting help is the FEAR of STARTING.

Trying something new can be hard. Starting just about anything is difficult. It is because you don’t know if you are ready. You think you should be prepared before you start. You want all your ducks in a row so to speak. Maybe you want the support of family and friends. before you start. But, INACTION breeds doubt and more fear.

To become the person you want to be takes getting started. And really, if you have the right guidance, your fear should be calmed.

When I started my journey of becoming free from depression, I was not scared, but curious if it would work. I did it alone, and there was nothing to fear. As soon as I started, I felt better. I think you would too. It really comes down to small experiments on what will work for you instead of depression. Find what works and repeat as necessary. This is the recipe for transformation in life.