Fear of change and having what you want

Fear of change and having what you want.

It may be hard to believe, but there is a fear of change and a fear of having what you want. People are so at home in their comfort zone they don’t want to leave no matter how much pain there is there.

Plus, having what you want is an excuse to not succeed. If you don’t succeed in something, then you can have your “I told you so” moments. There is a sense of certainty in not getting what you want.

If you quit doing depression, your life is uncertain. You don’t know what to expect. It makes you nervous. You have to learn to be comfortable with a new way of life. You have to let go of new ways and embrace new ways.

New ways are a type of culture shock. It is like moving to a new city. But when you learn to embrace the new ways it feels so good. You learn your way around. You find new adventures. You learn a whole new way of life. And in time you stop feeling lost. You know your way around, and you no longer want to go back to where you were before.