The fear of asking for help

The fear of asking. Sometimes we don’t ask for help due to a fear of asking. This is also a fear of rejection. Even if ask for help from someone who understands there is a fear that you will be rejected. It is hard to ask for what we want. But if you don’t ask you won’t get. It is that simple. There is a power in asking. It is taking control. It is standing up and fighting. It is being the rebel and saying I am control here depression, and I am taking my life back.

I wanted help. I did not want to ask. I did not have anyone to ask. Sure there are people out there who say they are there for you. They want to be able to be there for you, but unless they have done depression they can’t understand enough to help. They feel helpless and you feel hopeless. It does not have to be that way. So, I created my own system and helped myself. However, I knew how to help myself. Do you? This system is still available for $20.