Words can never hurt you?

Words can never hurt you?

I have been called dumb things. I have had people say things that were mean. I usually get over it by day’s end. But sometimes someone can say something about you that is so off the mark that you just don’t know how to get over it.

But you can use these harmful words to your advantage. How? I am glad you asked.

If certain words make you feel as if you need to defend yourself, then do that. Get angry if need be. You can rant at home. “That just is not true. I am not like that. You have me all wrong. What do you mean _____? What would make you say such a thing? I am a good person. You have known me for 20 years; how can you say such a stupid thing? Really?” You get the idea. Maybe, just maybe, you need to be insulted to boost yourself up.

I deal with a lot of people who have low self esteem. Maybe if you struggle with low self esteem have someone say something really mean to you. Have them say something you know is not true and really outrageous. Then, defend yourself. Fight. Stand up for yourself. Build yourself up. Really. Do it.
