Don’t give up

Lesson from a little league team:

These little guys (and gals) played the hand that was dealt to them and they WON!! In the beginning, they had all 9 players, but a few of them needed to leave for another team/tournament at half time… Knowing this was coming, the coach gave us parents the choice to forfeit before the game even started. The majority agreed to PLAY and we SHOWED UP!! The coach knew what he had to do, pushing our team hard in the 1st half to get the score up 3-1. The entire 2nd half consisted of strong defense and we we shut them out, ending the game 3-1. The other team was strong and they out numbered us… they just couldn’t break through our defense and score. To be honest, even if they would’ve killed us 12 to 3, I wouldn’t have changed a thing. There are no guarantees in life, all we can do is show up and do our best. NEVER back down from a challenge and NEVER give up!!