Changing as a person

My focus as a life coach is to help people in two different ways. One is to help people who struggle with depression and anxiety. The other is to guide people wanting to grow as a person. 

For me, my first need to getting the life I wanted was to stop doing depression. I found the answer while I studied to be a life coach. When I did the diagnosis questions, I understood me. For the first time, I understood me. 

From there, I started to find better ways to not be so overwhelmed. I learned to clear my mind of all the confusion. I learned how to control certain thoughts. I let them come, I acknowledged them and then I let them go. Those thoughts of being overwhelmed come up still, but now I control them. I relax. I calm myself down. 

After I learned to not struggle with depression, I was ready to achieve. I wanted to build on what I had accomplished. I used certain tools to define my passion. I used certain tools to determine what path I wanted to take in life. What did I want to accomplish? I also used certain tools to know that I am am okay no matter what. I did not have to accomplish great things in life. I just had to go in the direction that was to lead me to my passion. 

You can do the same. I am not saying it will always be easy. It more than likely will not always be easy.  But any advancement in life, any little bit that makes life better is a worthy goal. It takes time and practice. 

My advice to you is to make it fun and that can make it easier.

Until next time.
