Life Purpose is not grand

So, there is A LOT out there on the URGENCY to find your PURPOSE.

SECRET: there is no urgency to find your purpose! RELAX. Your purpose will COME to you.

A big part of MY purpose was the years I was there for my mom including 13 months after her stroke. A big part of MY purpose has been to care for animals. There have been my rescues and the neighbor dogs. Some of my purpose has been to be a friend and guide to people in general. It has also been that kind word or gesture to others. I may not have saved the world, but I made a DIFFERENCE to mom and a variety of dogs and cats, strangers, and my clients. The POINT is don’t try to FIND your purpose. You don’t have to look for it.

Not everyone has some great life purpose. YOUR purpose may very well be similar to mine. Your purpose may be to make a DIFFERENCE in a small way just as I did. For people to think they do and they are not fulfilling their life purpose is very upsetting to people. This is a big contribution to so many people feeling unfulfilled. They feel they are not living up to what they should be doing.

I saw someone who asked how much PAIN will you go through to get to your life purpose? YIKES! Fulfilling your life purpose should not be painful. It should be natural. It is not a treasure hunt. It surrounds you. It is part of your life already.

Your life purpose or our true obligation to the world is to be the best we can be. This is our destiny. We take what has been given to us and use this to take care of ourselves. We need to learn to love our self. As we love our self, that is reflected in the world. Through love we make anything possible. When we take care of or own self, this is reflected back into the world, and others will do the same. Thoughts are things. What we think happens. Ideas begin to grow. Opportunities become endless. There is no concept of boundary or limitation.

People are always searching for answers. I say that the answer to anything lies in the question. We simply have to recognize it. When we follow our true self, the answer will be there. When we learn to trust ourselves, we can relax. We can release fear. When we relax and release fear, we find peace, and we can overcome anything.

Our purpose is to gain experience. We are here to learn. We are here to grow. There are 5 passions that hold us back. In order to grow, we must eliminate them. Here they are:

Anger: Anger has to do with meeting the survival need for significance. It helps us to feel stronger when we feel we have been knocked down or put down. It lessens our ability to connect or to have warmth and togetherness with others.

Attachment: This is infatuation. This is the passion for someone or something. It is that sense of need. As long as one has a sense of need, he is wanting. People become obsessed with attachment. It includes anxiety and worry. It causes procrastination. One is so worried that they fail to act.

Greed: This has to do with meeting the survival need for self or significance. We practice greed when we have fear of losing what we have. We need to learn when what we have is enough. Once we have all that we need, anything more is too much. Being afraid of losing what we have, we fail to grow as a human being. We stop growing.

Lust: This is an abnormal demand for anything. We are filling the survival need for significance and ignoring the survival need for love and connection with others.

Vanity: This has to do with the self or ego our sense of significance. It makes us feel better about our self. But it also makes us feel insecure. It distracts us from other people. It keeps us from reaching out to others.

There is a necessity for a sense of self or significance. There is nothing wrong with wanting to feel significant or unique. But these five passions are extreme and put your life out of balance.

The powers of the Universe can bring about anything. We need to learn to be aware of the possibilities. The answer is right before us. The key is to open the mind. We can learn to harness the creative power of the Universe. When we do, we understand the principle of life. We can create our life to be what we want. We must turn on our spiritual light. This is going from ignorance to enlightenment. This is the purpose of life. This is our mission.


Coach Lisa