A Shipwreck in Life

Sometimes something terrible happens in our lives. It could be the death of a loved one. It could be a serious illness. It could be divorce. It could be a car crash, a fire, a flood that destroys property. It could be any number of things.

I will call this a shipwreck. We have a shipwreck. Our lives get tossed upside down.

At first, you feel you are drowning. The wreckage is all around you. Everything is floating around. There are pieces all over. In your mind, you try to put all the pieces all back together.

You try to remember how the ship was. You try to imagine the ship in all its glory. You remember its beauty. You remember the magnificence of the ship. The ship was and is no more.

And all you can do is float in the water surrounded by the wreckage.

At first, you may be in hysterics. You may feel frantic. You may feel a great sense of loss. You think my life will never be the same again. And you know what, it won’t. That is not to discourage you. But sometimes there is an aspect of life that simply is destroyed.

But as you float in the water surrounded by the wreckage, you start to calm down. You start to think more positively. You start to think about all the possibilities for rescue. You start thinking about opportunity to get out of this wreckage.

And then, the rescue team comes. People are around to take your hand and lift you out of the wreckage.

What next? Well, you rebuild that ship. You get new pieces. You put them together. It isn’t the same ship. But you recreate a ship with its own unique beauty, glory and magnificence.

And this friends is how we survive a shipwreck in life. You did not drown. You floated until you were able to rise out of the wreckage and built a new ship.

Smooth sailing.

Coach Lisa
