Food for Love

In preparation for Valentine’s Day, here are some foods to prepare.

Aphrodisiacs long believed to have the power to stimulate the senses and to stir feelings of love. The word comes the Greek word aphrodisios derived from Aphrodite the goddess of love.

You could try rhinoceros horn, hemlock or arsenic. Ha! But these are not the most palatable. I don’t know how well a dinner would go with these aphrodisiacs. Here are some better options:

Certain substances do make people more sensual. Zinc is one and that is found in oysters. Vitamin C is another. This is found in oranges. Vitamin E is found in asparagus. And my favorite phenyletylamine is found in chocolate and alcohol. Endorphins your feel good chemicals of the brain are stimulated by hot chili peppers.

Let us take a closer look at each of these foods:

Oysters: Aphrodite (Venus) was said to have emerged from the sea on an oyster shell. Must have been a heck of a large oyster. Zinc deficiency in men is associated with lack of libido. So hey, can’t hurt, but personally, I will pass.

Asparagus: This vegetable is not only high in vitamin E, it is also rich in potassium, phosphorus, and calcium. These minerals are good for hormone production. Once again, I will pass.

Chocolate: Cocoa was widely used by the Mayans and Aztecs. It was used to enhance emotions to orgiastic heights. Those must have been pretty wild rituals, huh? It is the phenyletylamine which is found naturally in the brain and helps to elevate mood. This is one thing to which I will say yes.

Avocado: This is the Aztec word for testicle. Wow! It is said to raise desire for men. The Aztecs thought it was so potent that when it was harvest time, the young, attractive girls and women who were sexually mature and suitable for marriage were not allowed outside. I guess they had to be out of sight and out of mind. Hmm.

Honey: In India, the groom is given honey on the wedding day to be ready for the wedding night. The combination of milk and honey is prescribed by the Kama Sutra to help one get in the mood for love. And good ole Attila the Hun is said to have loved honey so much that he gorged himself to death on his honeymoon. What a way to go.

Truffles: This luxury item is said to have a very special romantic quality. It is to arouse both the body and the palate. It is said that the Roman Emperor Claudius who was forced to marry the undesirable Messalina, and it took a lot of Truffles to consummate the marriage. Wow.

“If music be the food of love, play on”, William Shakespeare. So if you are planning a romantic dinner, don’t forget the romantic music as part of the right atmosphere. Make it dinner for two. Place a light pink tablecloth on the table. Add rose petals to the table. And don’t forget the candlelight and some nice champagne.

Happy Valentine’s Day

Coach Lisa