Believe in Magic

I find it interesting that people seem to prefer to have a logical explanation for things rather than a super natural explanation. There is magic everywhere. There are miracles everywhere. There is wonder everywhere. And love, don’t forget about love.

I will guess that people prefer to have a logical explanation because it is easier. It is something more physical. It is a part of the normal range of reality.

We have become beings that find it difficult to simply believe in magic, miracles, and wonder. We need proof of reality. And I think this is unfortunate.

You see, it takes stepping back, and opening up our minds to see the magic, wonder and miracles of the world. When you relax and clear your mind, get the clutter out, stop thinking in terms of technical explanations, you will see the amazing way things happen. You will see how the universe moves things around just to give you what you want or need.

Sometimes it takes time. It takes time because there is a lot to do. Sometimes it takes time because we have to be ready and prepared for what is coming. Sometimes things get worse. It gets worse to have you move in another direction. You have to get on the right path.

What I want you to remember is that when you calm your mind and get rid of the clutter, you will be able to see the why of things are happening. Things do not happen to you. They happen for you. Energy has to be moved around. You will see the pattern. You will see how the different pieces of your life come together in the most amazing way. You will see the magic, wonder, and miracles. You will say if such and such did not happen then this other thing would not have happened. If that stumbling block had not happened, then that answer would have never occurred to me.

As a friend of mine used to say, it is like a spit ball from God right between the eyes. Most of you would call it that aha moment.

If you see something that is beautiful and amazing, don’t dismiss it as some logical explanation. Don’t overlook the possibility it is a miracle, magic, or some kind of wonder. And when you give this beautiful and amazing thing some consideration as being supernatural think love. Because love is the energy that makes it all happen and part of your reality.


Coach Lisa