Stress Relief Magic

Stress is everywhere. The key to stress relief is understanding the cause of tension in your life. This has to do with your specific inner drive, motivator. That thing that matters to you more than anything. When you know this, you will be able to recognize the cause of the tension of your life. When you understand this, you will have an answer for dealing with the stress in your life.

What I want you to understand is that what stresses one person does not stress out another. It all is based on the individual’s specific survival need.

Some stress is good. It can provide motivation. It can give you the energy to act. Some people work better under certain types of stress. And when you over come that which brought on the stress, you have a great sense of accomplishment.

But if the stress is ongoing and seems to have no end to it, that has a negative effect on your life. It can impact your health. It can lower your energy. It can stop your actions because you see no reason to continue trying because you feel defeated.

When you understand you and your inner drive, motivator, you will be able to recognize when something is coming into your life that will lead to your doing anxiety or depression or what ever your reaction is to stress. This could be drinking or drugs or eating too much stress relief food.

Stress relief is important indeed. It is important to keep your energy up. It is important for motivation for positive change. It is important for creating your sense of accomplishment.

Getting relief from stress will improve your health as well. When we lose stress, we increase endorphins and increase immunity against illness. You will lower your risk of heart issues and stroke. You will keep your blood pressure at a good level. You will ease the tension in your muscles. Your lungs will work freely. Your mind will work better.

There are 5 steps you can take:

  1. Live a stress free life. Take control of your life. Manage your time and your day. Don’t wing it. Not having a plan makes life more stressful because you run around aimlessly. Some things may not get done. Or if it gets done it gets done at an inconvenient time which takes away relaxation and fun time.
  2. Find time to relax. Some people need more time to relax than others. But everyone needs relaxation or fun time. Time is not wasted relaxing or having fun if it gives you the energy to keep going. When you feel overwhelmed, stop and take a rest. Taking a 10 minute break even during your day can make a big difference. Take a breath when you need one.
  3. Determine what makes you feel significant. This is what makes you feel good about you. What makes you special or different? What is your special skill or talent? When you build up your sense of self, you build up confidence. When you embrace you, you build up a positive sense of self, and this helps you to not be brought down by the stresses of every day life. You can meet these challenges easier. The more that you do this the more confidence you will have. This will help you in all actions and change you want to make.
  4. Laugh and smile. I know it may sound silly but it really does help. It is not always easy, but it gets easier with practice. Try to find the funny or crazy in any situation, and allow yourself to smile and laugh. This will help you to relax in the situation and not feel so overwhelmed. With a relaxed state of mind, you will be more capable to handle the situation.
  5. You are now experienced at handling stress. Keep it going. You will find it easier to meet more challenges. You will have confidence to make changes in your life and to stick with the positive changes you create. Your health will be better. Your sleep will be better. Your energy will be better. Your confidence is better.


Coach Lisa