Heel to Heal

Sometimes things are out of our control. Sometimes there is not much we can do. Sometimes we need to let things play out.

This can be hard, right? It is hard to have something be happening, and not act if it disturbs you. If you want to get involved or help, and you can’t, it can be frustrating. If something is out of control, there are two basic things to do. The first thing to do is understand that this is a lesson in letting go.

Sometimes you just have to let things calm down. They will. But when things are flared up, it sometimes is best to just let the fire cool off. When things cool off, then you will be able to do something.

If the ball is not in your court, you have to wait. It is not up to you to fix it.

The second thing to do is take this cooling off time to heal. If you have been impacted by this out of control situation, heal. My suggestion is to heel to heal.

What the heck does that mean?

Heel to me means to take a step back. It means to immediately follow, but be a step behind. Stay close, but keep a step back. Keep an eye on the situation. And while you go about your business waiting for things to calm down you heal.

When you heel a situation, take a deep breath. Pause and reflect. Count to ten so to speak. This is all part of the healing process from any mental or emotional pain that may have risen from this out of control situation. Talk about it to someone if you need help to sort it out and to get another perspective.

By the time the flames have settled, the fire has cooled, now you are ready to tackle the situation. If you have done heeling, you too are calm, cool and collected. And the situation will be handled more easily.

I hope this helps.


Coach Lisa
