Pilate the Pilot

I have become more aware of looking at how words and names are spelled to find significance or meaning.

Over time the way certain words are spelled changes. It can be from poor handwriting. It could be from spelling from how the word sounds. It can just be adding or removing letters. It is this change in spelling that makes new words.

One example is God’s luck to good luck.

Today the word and name are pilot and Pilate.

I don’t think this is a strange coincidence. I am suggesting that the man named Pilate became a pilot. The question is what does it mean?

A pilot is one who guides. A pilot is a leader. Often a pilot is to get people through a difficult course. If ever there was a difficult course in history, the decision to crucify the Son of God, this was one.

It is told that Pontius Pilate’s own son was healed by Jesus. His wife, Claudia, had become a follower of Jesus. He did not want to do it. He felt pressured to make the decision he made.

So, against his better judgement, he sentenced Jesus to death. He was the pilot of this difficult course in history.

I will leave this part of the discussion here. But I want you to become more aware of words. When you have a question of why, look at the words. Look at the word differently.

Here is another example:

A client of mine has bad migraine headaches. There are a variety of reasons for headaches. But I am having her look at it from the meaning of the word migraine.

When I look at the word I see: MY GRAIN. Grain…a small amount of something as in a grain of truth. Natural lines as in wood or paper. You want to cut paper or wood with the grain. I sense that my client is going against the grain. She is doing things her way. She is doing things in a manner that is not conventional. That is fine unless it causes conflict in your life. And I think that is exactly what is going on.

She may just be going against the grain too much making life hard to get through. Because as you know, it is hard to go against the grain.

So, that is my thought today on words and looking at other meanings or reading between the lines so to speak.

I hope this gives you something to ponder. I hope it gives direction. I hope it helps you to be a pilot in your troubled waters.


Coach Lisa
