Smile Again

Giving somebody back the ability to smile is priceless.

And that ultimately is my goal.

Some of us, me included, seem to have a difficult time navigating through life. We get to a point in life where we fall to our knees. We put our head in our hands. We feel weak. We want to be backed but alas are alone.

We don’t want to see all those posts on Facebook with pictures of rainbows and unicorns telling us we can have that. Why? Because we don’t believe it.

We don’t want to see the posts on Facebook from our friends who are happy and life is just grand for whom life seems to be so effortless. Sure, they have bumps in the road, but it does not seem to be anything they can’t just get over quickly. These are the friends who can even lose a lot and without much effort they have it resolved and move on.

If anything, we follow groups where the leader of the group just talks on and on about how bad they feel without any real helpful information on how to get better.

Please, if you feel bad, stop following those “woe am I” groups. They are not helpful.

We are in the gutter. We are at a crossroads. In one direction, we can fall into the sewer drain and get washed away. In the other direction, we can look up and join the rest of society. That is where we want to be, right?

That is what I did. I took my head out of my hands. I stood up. I did not have anyone to back me. I had to stand on my own two feet all by myself. I pulled myself out of the the gutter.

I want you to understand that the first steps are the hardest. But once you get going in the right direction, it gets easier.

I never thought I would stop constantly crying. I never thought I would stop falling to my knees. But I have. I still feel scared sometimes. I still feel alone at times. But I am not like that all the time. And when I start to feel that way, I take a breath. I find my peace inside and continue on with my day.

Now, there was a time in my life when that last sentence would get the response of rolled eyes and think, “Oh brother”. Gag. I thought finding my peace inside was lame just like those unicorns and rainbows posts. But it happened.

I won’t lie to you either. You may be one of the individuals for who navigating through life is always going to be harder. I will always struggle. But, I have gotten to a point where, I am at peace, or I can find peace, and I believe you can also.

You can do it your self if you have the right understanding of your life. If you understand your biggest need. Or you can get guidance. There are a lot of people who can help. But, they need to understand how you feel. It takes one to help one so to speak.

I want to give you your smile back. It may not seem possible right now. But I got mine back, and I do believe you can too.

If you want my help or not, at least let me offer my friendship. OK? I have a support group. It is small, but growing. We have room for you. You can find us at:

If you want to make a post, that is fine. One rule, no political posts.

I know someone who is behind bars for drug crimes. And he always says Smile for me. Will you do that? Will you smile for me?


Coach Lisa