Christmas 365

Merry Christmas

So, when I woke up this magical morning, I thought we need to keep the magic of Christmas going 365 days a year.

I don’t mean that people should be exchanging gifts and having big feasts. What I am suggesting is that we keep the spirit alive.

I know you have heard that before.

But give me a minute. This is a little different.

Here is how.

When we wake up on Christmas morning, we are filled with a sense of wonder. The day feels special. We feel love and peace and joy. It is a day filled with surprise and a sense of blessings.

And this sense of surprise and blessings we need to keep year round.

We need to be excited again.

One of the four survival needs we all have is uncertainty or variety. This is also the need for surprise and challenge. It is what keeps us out of getting in a rut.

Every day we need to wake up and be excited about life. The world is full of surprises and unexpected blessings. They are everywhere, but we are often too busy and preoccupied to notice.

Life is full of treasures and every day needs to be a treasure hunt. Just as a child may look under the tree for a gift with his or her name on it, we need to look around for the treasures of life. They are not hard to find, but it may take a little pointing out. (I can help with that).

So, let’s take the spirit, the magic of Christmas, the expectation of surprise and blessings and extend them out to the other 364 days of the year.

I want to make a note here. This is not limited to those who celebrate Christmas. This is for everyone. Everyone needs variety and surprise in their life. Everyone needs to find the blessings in their life. Everyone needs to feel excitement.

I know some people are thinking and shaking their heads no. They don’t have this feeling on Christmas. They certainly don’t expect to feel this way any day. Life is not happy for them. I know because I too felt this way. I felt this way for a long time. I did.

A mind can change. An attitude can change. Yes, it can. You can turn things around. Anyone can get excited about life again. It takes letting go of old habits and make new habits by leaving your comfort zone. We are not talking about huge leaps here. We are talking about small steps.

I went through a period of 3 years crying all day. Today, I am at peace. If I could do it alone, you can do it and you have me.


Coach Lisa