The four corners of your life puzzle

If you were to look at the parts of your life as a gig saw puzzle, the first thing you would want to do is to find the four corner pieces. Why? Because once you get the four corner pieces, everything comes together.


There are four survival needs. We all have them. These are similar to the corner pieces of a gig saw puzzle. These are similar to the corner stones of a building. Just as a building needs the corner stones for strength, we need to meet these four survival needs to build a strong person. But we don’t want to just meet them. We want to meet them on a high level.

And this is what I am all about. I am all about building up people. It may take breaking down the stuff that is not working for you, and replacing it with better pieces or actions.

When you have better corner pieces, better corner stones so to speak, you will see the other pieces in your life come together.

I know. It’s hard. But really, once you get in the habit of change, you see it happening more often and a lot easier. You gain confidence.


Coach Lisa